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Life as we know is full of challenges. You cannot please men; they will still find faults in you. The bible says the heart of men is wicked and desperate; who can know it. Many conceal wickedness in their hearts against their fellow being. Many laugh with you and still afflict you. Even, if you are good to them that doesn’t stop them from been bad to you. The world is full of wickedness and a lot of snares from the fowler. A snare is a form of trap while a fowler is a hunter. A hunter hunts for animals and uses the trap many times to catch them. In this world, we have fowlers of destiny and life. They hunt down men and ensure GOD’s promise doesn’t come to pass in the life of a man. The Psalmist also confirmed this; surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence. Only GOD can deliver us from the snares of the fowler. The snares are evident everywhere in the world. The devil himself is the master of the fowlers, their aim is to kill, steal and destroy. We must be aware of these as believers, so we won’t be their victims.

                     Bigthana and Teresh in the bible were fowlers of life. They made plans to kill King Xerxes, they became angry of the King and they were the King’s officers that guarded the door way. Many have been killed by fowlers of life, fowlers are always angry with you. They see nothing good in you despite you been good to them. Mordecai learnt about their plans and told Queen Esther, before they were both hanged on a post. The bible says “whoso digs shall fall therein and he that rolls a stone, it will return upon him”. The fowler digs pit in form of snare and ensure their victims falls into it. The fowlers roll stones to their victims just to hurt them. Only GOD can deliver us from the fowlers. They are everywhere in our families, place of work and anywhere. Mordecai himself was almost hunted and killed by the fowler. Haman was his fowler, he was not satisfied with killing only Mordecai, but wanted to find a way to destroy all of Mordecai’s people; the Jews in all of Xerxes kingdom. That is what a fowler can do; they are not satisfied until they see your downfall. They don’t rest and sleep until they see your downfall. They don’t rest and sleep until their victims are hunted down. GOD disgraced Haman, he dug a pit for Mordecai, but he himself fell into it. He rolled a stone at Mordecai, but the stone returned to him. This is what GOD can do. He GOD causes the fowler’s snare to catch himself. Whether you do good or bad, the fowler’s snare is always set. You need to believe in GOD, so you can be more than Conqueror. It is well with us…..


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