Greetings to you all reading on this platform
worldwide. I write on the Righteous, Our father GOD is righteous, He is Holy,
He is pure, and He cannot behold iniquity. Pharaoh said the Lord is righteous
and I and my people are wicked. Righteousness is an attribute of GOD. We as
believers ought to thirst after righteousness and be righteous. The world we
are in is polluted and filled with vices that war against been righteous, but
we must distinguish ourselves between the children of the world and children of
the Most High. Gross darkness cover the whole world, we are to be a shining light
amidst this darkness. The bible says blessed are they who do hunger and thirst
after righteousness; for they shall be filled. We need to thirst after
righteousness to be filled. I see righteousness as doing the right thing in the
sight of GOD. Anything that contradicts these is unrighteousness and not right,
it is a sin. We are children of light and children of the Most High.
Righteousness is important. The bible says it exalt a nation. The righteous
also shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their father (GOD). The bible
says all unrighteousness is sin and there is a sin not unto death. Righteousness
is right, unrighteousness is wrong! Are you righteous or unrighteous?
However, Hebrew 1 vs. 9: Thou hast
loved righteousness and hated iniquity; therefore GOD, even thy GOD hast
anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. The righteous are
distinguished from the unrighteous. The righteous flourish like a palm tree
that grow like a cedar in Lebanon. The righteous effectual prayer avails much.
The righteous are afflicted, depressed, oppressed but GOD delivers them out of
them all, He guards their bones and not one is broken. It also only in the tabernacle
of the righteous, that shout of joy don’t cease. It pays to be a righteous man.
Righteousness is paramount in the life of a believer. It is needful in my life,
it is needful in yours. Are you righteous? The righteous see GOD on the last
day. It is well with us……
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