Many a time people see themselves as what they are
not. Many see themselves as wise, but are foolish in the sight of GOD. GOD’s
foolishness is wiser than the wisdom of men. Many a time we do things and feel
nobody knows or can see. Nothing is hidden under the sun and earth, for GOD
sees all. The bible says in Isaiah 40 vs.
22: It is He that sitteth upon the
circle of the earth and the inhabitants thereof, are as grasshopper; that
strengthen out the heaven as a curtain and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell
in. GOD sees all and know all things. A potter is one who makes pot and
ceramics wares. A clay is a mineral substances made up of small crystals of
silica and alumina. It is a material of pre-fired ceramics. A potter works with
clay to make a ceramics wares. GOD is the potter, we are the clay. GOD is the
creator and maker, we are his creation. He made us for a purpose and reason,
but we don’t conform many a time to His purpose and will. Men see themselves as
the creator themselves and exalt things above the creator.
Furthermore, Isaiah 29 vs. 13 says: Wherefore the LORD said, forasmuch the people
draw near me with their mouth and with their lips do honor me, but have removed
their heart far from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the precept of
men. The creator’s will is stronger than the will of men. Nowadays we don’t
honor GOD from our hearts, honoring your creator is part of the purpose he
created you. The hearts of men are far from the creator, many do lip services
and eye services. It is high time we come back to the creator. The bible says wise men will lose their wisdom, those
people that try to hide things from the LORD. They think the LORD will not
understand. Those people do evil in darkness and tell themselves No person can
see us. The bible says they are confused. They think the clay is equal to the
Potter. You think that something made can tell the person that made it. You did
not make me! This is like a pot telling its maker, you don’t understand.
Are you confused? The Potter is not equal to the clay. The Potter told Jeremiah
“As the clay is in the Potter’s hand, so
are you in my hand”. It is high time we conform to the creator’s will and purpose.
It is high time we return to the Potter for remolding. Jeremiah 18 vs. 3-4: So, I went down to the Potter’s house. I saw the
Potter working with clay at the wheel. He was making a pot from clay, but there
was something wrong with the pot. So the Potter used the clay again and he made
another pot. He used his hands to shape the pot the way that he wanted it to
be. We have fallen short of the Creator’s glory, something is wrong with
us. It is high time we go back to the Potter, to reshape us into the way He
wanted us. It is well with us…..
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