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                            THE TEST AWAITS YOU Greetings to all In the name of our Lord. How has our work walk and work with GOD being? I write on the test awaits you. What test? Genesis 22 vs. 1-2: Later on, GOD tested Abraham’s faith and obedience. “Abraham” GOD called. Yes Lord? he replied. Take with you your only son yes, Isaac whom you love so much and go to the land of Moriah and sacrifice him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains, which I‘ll point out to you. Whoa! What a test, his faith and obedience was tested. GOD’s foolishness is wise than the wisdom of men. Await your test, because you will surely be tested. Abraham could have thought, I waited for years before conceiving Isaac, yet GOD asked him to offer him as sacrifice, he could have thought, how can I kill my only son? He could have thought Sarah will kill me, if she heard I offered her son as sacrifice, but yet he still obeyed ...


                BEAUTIFUL FOR ALL SITUATIONS A song writer said for the GOD on the mountain is still GOD in the valley. When things go wrong, he will make them right; And the GOD of the good times, is still GOD in the bad times, the GOD of the day, is still GOD in the night. Those words are inspiring. Our GOD changes not, He is the same today, yesterday and forever, he is the ancient of days, yet never changes. The Psalmist said Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our GOD, in the mountain of his holiness; beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth. GOD is great, he is beautiful for all situations, when things go wrong, he is beautiful, when things go right, he is beautiful; when things are in good times, he is beautiful; when things are bad, he is beautiful, when your day is brighten, GOD is beautiful; when your day is darken, GOD is beautiful.          ...


                                  ARE YOU HOSPITABLE? To be hospitable is an act of being friendly and welcoming to guest and visitors. Are you hospitable? We ignore so many essential things which shouldn’t be ignored. Many family are inhospitable, they don’t like visitors; they dislike accommodating visitors. Are you in that category? Is your family in that category? Be hospitable. Be accommodating. Many families are accommodating, but not hospitable. They both must work together, when you are accommodating and not hospitable, it is as good as not accommodating. Many has ignored accommodating Angels in person of men, and don’t know. Show me an accommodating and hospitable man and family and I will tell you they will always be blessed. Some men are hospitable, but their wives are not. Some women are, but their husbands are not. It shouldn’t be, both husband and wife must learn and cultivate the habi...


                                ARE YOU A DOUBTER? To Doubt is a feeling of not being certain about something, especially about how good or true it is. Most believers of today are doubters; and as a believer you shouldn’t doubt GOD, rather you should believe GOD. God is not a man to doubt, he is not a man that should lie, nor son of man that repents of what he says, has he said it, will he not bring it to pass, has he spoken it, will he not make it good. People doubt GOD because, they don’t know what he is capable of doing. GOD is beautiful for all situations, whatever he says, he does, whatever he does, he said it. With man it is impossible, but with GOD, all things are possible. The Psalmist said O taste and see that the Lord is good. Just a taste of GOD in your situation is all you need. When you experience the greatness of GOD in your situation, your life will never remain the same again. He sa...


                                       BABY CHRISTIAN A baby is a very young child, he behaves like a young child and is easily upset. A baby Christian is one that don’t grow spiritually; he does not follow the lord, he does his own desires and neglect the things of GOD. Are you one? A baby Christian will always exhibit the characteristics of a new born baby, a new born baby is being fed with milk and so is a baby Christian. A new born baby has little understanding, likewise a baby Christian; he has low understanding of the things of GOD.A new born baby cannot take solid food, because he can’t digest ; likewise a baby Christian he can’t take solid things i.e the word of GOD, he can’t read and digest. A new born baby is not so strong; likewise a baby Christian he is very weak in the things of GOD, he is so feeble. Those are the characteristics of a baby Christian, I repeat are you one...


                                        NOT SWALLOWED BY DEATH Most people are afraid when they hear death, everyone will surely die one day; but it is a tragedy if you die without knowing Christ. Show me a man that dies without Christ and I will tell you, he will perish forever in the lake of fire; Show me a man that dies knowing Christ and I will tell you on the last day, when the trumpet is blasted he will resurrect and reign with Christ in glory, power, might, majesty and splendor. He will receive eternal life, so choose wisely. I once asked a question while teaching some set of children the word of GOD. The question is how many of you can put your hands in the fire lighted by a stove; no one was raising his/ her hands. I then told them, if you can’t dip your hands in the fire, then do the will of GOD and be sure of your salvation; because anyone not doing this will rot in a place c...


                                             WATCH OUT 5   But Noah was a pleasure to the lord. He was the only truly righteous man living on the earth at that time. He tried always to conduct his affairs according to GOD’s will, Genesis 6 vs 8,9,10. Watch out is you living a righteous life, watch out is you always conducting your affairs according to GOD’s will as Noah did. Noah watched out, he was in the world at that time, but wasn’t carried away with things of the world. He watched out on his life and pleased GOD. He was a pleaser of GOD, he feared GOD. Are you a pleaser of GOD? Do you fear GOD?   Many claim they want to fear GOD and conduct their affairs toward the will of GOD; but find it difficult and think it’s not easy to do such in this present wo...


                                  WATCH OUT 4 I believe you have started watching out of something’s around you and within you. Let consider another thing today in this series of write-up. Genesis 6 vs. 5: when the Lord GOD saw the extent of man’s wickedness and that the trend and direction of men’s lives were only towards evil. He was sorry he had made them. It broke his heart. Hmm!  Is GOD sorry he made you? Is his heart broke he made you? We need to watch out. What are you trending to? What is the direction of your lives? Is it evil or good? We need to watch out.      Furthermore, he said in vs. 7: I will blot out from the face of the earth all mankind that I created Yes and animal too. GOD’s mercy has just being sufficient in this present day world, those of old didn’t do evil as the present world does, yet he is still merciful. The present day world needs to w...


                                 WATCH OUT 3 Greetings to all in the name of GOD, as I continue this series of write up (watch out). It is so significant to think before doing something. Look before you leap. It is a very vital proverb, there are proverbs; but this is one of the essential one. If Cain had looked before he leaped, he would have obeyed and admitted his wrongs doing. If Cain knew the punishment he would face for killing his brother, am 60% sure he wouldn’t have. Many, don’t know the aftermath of their wrongs; they might not live to see the nemesis, but their generation yet to be born might, except GOD shows mercy. We all being are termed by GOD  as a wicked heart and desperate, who can know it. GOD repented he created man in the old testament, because of his wickedness. Let’s watch out, what are we occupying our heart with? A lot has wickedness all within them. It shouldn’t be, a...


                                    WATCH OUT 2 Everyone needs to watch out. Nobody is excluded; JESUS knew we need to watch out, that is why he said watch and pray, so you won’t fall into temptation. Temptation will surely come, whether you like it or not. Jesus himself was tempted while on earth, so who are we not to be tempted. Expect temptation, because they will surely come. We just need to watch out and pray so we don’t fall into them. By watching we need to take cognizance of all works of flesh, things that exalt itself against GOD in our life. And by praying we need to pray against the author of temptation, the tempter itself the devil. The bible says resist the devil and he shall flee. Jesus resisted him, get thee behind me devil, we need to do likewise to overcome temptation.            Furthermore, Cain didn’t know all these...


                          WATCH OUT Genesis 4 vs 6: Why are you angry? The lord asked him. Why is your face so dark with rage? This is GOD questioning Cain, this write up is titled Watch out. What should we watch out? Why should we watch out? These we shall know, vs. 7: It can be bright with joy if you will do what you should. But if you refuse to obey, watch out. Sin is waiting to attack you, longing to destroy you; but you can conquer it. Adam and Eve gave birth to Cain and the next child Abel. Abel became a shepherd, while Cain was a farmer. Cain brought the lord a gift of his farm produce and Abel brought the fatty cuts of meat from his best lambs and they offered it to the lord. Most of us today are like Cain, we just offer and give to GOD as we ought, to fulfill all righteousness. What we are offering is not coming from our hearts. We don’t give cheerfully, Cain offered gift from his farm produce to GOD, ...


               COMING OUT OF GREAT TRIBULATION Beloved, the end time is near. The Great tribulation draws near only those who are qualify will come out of it. JESUS said in this world we shall face tribulations, trials but we should be of good cheers, he has overcomed the world. He coming to this world and paying our debt of sin through his death and blood gave us the cheer that he has overcomed the world, death could not hold him, hell could not hold him. This tribulation is small compared to the great tribulation. The great tribulation is not to be experienced by man, but some will surely experience it. Obedience is better than sacrifice CHRIST came and paid with his own blood that is why anyone that confesses and acknowledge him, is redeemed and saved.       However, during the great tribulation those who will experience it, will pay with their own blood. They would suffer a lot and face terror, only the righteous...


GODLY SORROW The bible said he who the father loves he chastise, when you are chastised it because you are the son of the father (GOD). If ye endure chastening, GOD dealeth with you as with sons, for what son is he when the father chastiseneth not? When a child commits a wrong on earth, his earthly father punishes him because he loves him, not because he hates him. He punishing him is for him, to remember and next time not do the wrong. And so our heavenly father too; he sometimes allow us go through sorrow just to help us learn our lesson and turn away from sins and seek eternal life. We have Goldy sorrow and we have wordly sorrow. The Godly sorrow has the GOD factor in it, just for all to amend our ways, repent and seek eternal life. many have faced it before, many haven’t many will still face it. 2 Corinthians 7 vs 10 says: For GOD sometimes uses sorrow in our lives to help us turn away from sin and seek eternal life. We should never regret his sending it. But the sorrow of the ma...


ARE YOU A BOULDER OR AN OUTCROP? Greetings once again, to readers on this platform worldwide. This is a fascinating topic and those in my field of study can only understand the terms boulder and outcrop, those not in my field of study might not or might not have come across the words before. I will expatiate now what the words are, but the write up is questioning us who we are a boulder or an outcrop? A boulder is a large smooth mass of rock detached from its place of origin. We have agents of weathering that causes movement of the rock mass from its origin; like glacial, river and likes. We have glacial boulders and also river boulders, they are both carried by glacier and river to a place far distant from their origin. A boulder is exposed, because it has undergone weathering. Weathering is the disintegration of rocks, soil, minerals by agent such as water, ice, wind and so on. On the other hand, an outcrop is a visible large mass of bedrock on the surface of the earth. They do not...


                             WILL THY HIDE YOUR FACE?    Greetings to all in the name of our GOD. I write again this touching write up titled “will thy hide your face “ It is a question for everyone on earth, believers and unbelievers. GOD is the creator of the earth, he made everything on earth. He dwelleth in heaven and maketh the earth its footstool. We all on earth are created by the creator to live, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. We are given dominion and authority over all in the earth, GOD loves us that despite the wickedness of this earth, his grace and mercy still prevails. He sent his only begotten son to die and pay the debt of our sins, we all owed. What a wonderful GOD and father; despite this immeasurable and boundless love, many still go against his will and commandments, many don’t even believe GOD created them, many don’t even know him. What a tragedy!  ...


                              NEW HEAVEN, NEW EARTH Greetings, to all in the name of our GOD. I write this write up looking forward to GOD’s promise of new heaven and a new earth afterwards, where there will be only goodness. The present earth is not the new earth. This write up is a significant message  for all believers. I beseech us let us look forward to this new heaven and new earth; because it is the promise of GOD and we know he doesn’t break his promises, they abideth forever and never fades. We shouldn’t be like fools that argue when is Christ coming? Has he come? Where is he? He will never come. Don’t be surprised many still don’t believe there will be rapture, many still don’t believe Christ is coming back to take the qualified, those who await new heaven and new earth, those who does his will and acts.      However, we as believer shouldn’t forget the fact that GOD destroyed the...


                                PUTTING ASIDE YOUR OWN DESIRES It is easier said than done, many a times we Christians tend to say easily I can’t do these; but we find ourselves later doing them. Apostle Paul said things he ought not to be doing, he found himself doing them. As anointed as he was, if not for GOD’s grace on his life. Also we as today’s believers we find it difficult to let go of something’s, we have passion and zeal for unproductive and unfruitful things. Desire is a strong feeling of wanting something or something you want. We find out the things of this world, most believers long after are vain things. Vanity upon vanity all is vanity. Your desire might be money, yours might be fashion, and yours might be sexual feelings and other unfruitful things. The bible said let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven. Anything you have str...


                 Furthermore, as believer we are to put aside our desires no matter how strong they are and put GOD first. Putting GOD first is we doing his will and commandment’s. 2 Peter 1 vs 6 says: Next, learn to put aside your own desires so that you will become patient and godly, gladly letting GOD have his way with you. Everybody on earth has his/her own desires, but we must learn to put them aside just as 2 Peter 1 vs 6 said. Daniel learnt how to put his desires aside and he was patient and godly and gladly letting GOD have his way with him. When you put aside your desires, GOD will surely have his way through you; but when you do not put aside your desires, GOD cannot have his way through you.         Finally, the bible said walk in the spirit so that you will fulfill the works of the flesh. Brethren in faith, at these last days let’s put aside our desires and put GOD first. It is well…….


                                             THE WANDERED SHEEP Greetings to all in the name of our GOD. How has our walk with GOD being? The topic before us is termed the wandered sheep. What is a wandered sheep? who is a wandered sheep? These we shall elucidate. To wander is to move away from the place you ought to be or the people you are with. It is to go stray. Also it means a person’s mind or thoughts to stop being directed on something and to move without much control to other ideas. Many have drifted and wandered away, as believers or as GOD’s creation we are sheep’s and he is our shepherd. The psalmist says the lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. JESUS is the good shepherd he keeps and nurture us, that we may not lack nor want anything. So many of us are a wandered sheep, we have gone astray from the shepherd. We have left the place the shepherd put us. Our th...


UNSHAKABLE       Greetings to all in the name of our GOD. How has been our walk with GOD? I pray will shall see GOD in Glory at  the right time in JESUS name. The topic before us today is unshakable. To be unshakable is when something cannot be changed or destroyed. it also means to stand strong. Are you unshakable? Biblically in Hebrew 12 vs 27: by this he means that he will sift out everything without solid foundations so that only unshakable things will be left. That is GOD there, to be unshakable is to have a solid foundation. To be unshakable is to stand on a solid rock. A song said on CHRIST the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand ,all other ground is sinking sand. When you stand on the rock of ages, you are unshakable, nothing can move you. You will always wax stronger and stronger. The bible said: those that know their GOD shall be strong and they shall do exploit. Only the unshakable wax stronger and does exploit. The unshakable are not ex...


COMPLETE REST GOD promised us a place of rest; and his promises and word never falls to the ground. Everyone rest, probably after a stressful day or work. Rest is important in a man’s life, without rest in a man’s life, he worn out easily. When a man is workaholic and has no time for rest, he is endangering his life; how much more complete rest, before I define complete rest let me say this, GOD our creator himself rested after creating all in the beginning. He rested on the seventh day, everyone needs rest; if our creator rested, we need to rest too. Now complete rest is a full rest, rewarded rest, a state of eternal peace of mind, waiting for the qualified children of GOD. Complete rest is the kingdom of GOD. It awaits only the sheep and those without blemish nor spot on their garment.        Moreover, Hebrew 4 vs 8 says: This new place of rest, he is talking about does not mean the land of Israel that Joshua led the Israelite through. If that were what GOD mean...


ARE YOU FIT? Greetings to all in the name of GOD. This write up is a question asking us all, if we are fit. Fit for what? The psalmist says what is man, that you are mindful of him? or the son of man, that you visit him? You made him a little lower than the angels for a little, you crowned him with glory and honor. And you have put him in complete charge of everything there is nothing left out. The psalmist was asking GOD a question here, on who/what a man his, that GOD showeth concern about him? And also who he was that GOD so highly honored. God have a great interest in man, he loved man. His love for man cannot be explained of comprehended, although he made man a little lower than the angels then for a little while, now he crowned man with glory and honor; and he put him in complete charge of everything there is. GOD gave man dominion over all he made in the beginning, but the devil was so jealous of this dominion, glory and honor he gave man. And he the devil manipulated himself ...


    A GOOD SOLDIER OF CHRIST A soldier is a person who is in an army and wear its uniform. He is someone who fight when there is war, CHRIST has an army of soldier and he is the head of the army. He is the general and boss of the army. A good soldier of Christ must pass the test. An ordinary soldier undergoes activities just to be enrolled and enlisted in the army. He goes through a lot of training until he is fit for the army. He is taught a lot of things, before he could be part of the army. Apostle Paul says in 2 Timothy 2 vs 3: Take your share of suffering as a good soldier of Christ; just as I do and as Christ soldier, do not let yourself become tied up in worldly affairs. Let me talk on these, Apostle Paul is a good example of Christ’s soldier, he suffered for Christ just because he preached the gospel; he was imprisoned, yet he still was more willing to suffer if that will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ JESUS to those GOD has chosen. That is how a good s...


                                           SPIRITUAL FITNESS Spiritual fitness is just to be fit spiritual. It is not the physical fitness. It is a vital thing as children of GOD to exercise ourselves spiritually daily. The body exercise is all right, but spiritual exercise is much more important. The spiritual controls the physical, and so the spiritual exercise must be taken so serious. The bible said for we wrestle not, against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, rulers of darkness in high places. The flesh and blood is physical while the principalities and power, rulers of darkness in high places are in the spirit realm. They are not seen with a physical eye, they work in the spiritual realm. Paul said in 1 Timothy 4 vs 7: Don’t waste time arguing over foolish ideas and silly myths and legend, spend your time and energy on the exercise of keeping spirit...


                 WHAT IS CONSCIENCE? Greetings to all in the name of our heavenly father GOD. I write on this platform today on what conscience is? Everybody has a conscience, some might not know they do have a conscience. From the English meaning conscience is the part of you that judges how moral your own actions are and makes you feel guilty about bad things that you have done or things you feel responsible for. Everyone has a conscience, whether good or bad. we have a good conscience and we also have bad conscience. GOD speaks to us at times through conscience, the conscience bears witness. Maybe at a point in your life, you were at critical point of making a crucial decision, GOD could speak to you through conscience, that is when you hear positive things while negative  just as you are in between the devil and deep blue sea. So at that stage, the choice is yours to decide what to do whether positive or negative. 1 Timothy1 vs 19:...


                            HOW WORST YOU MIGHT BE, HE STILL WELCOMES YOU We are all human being and one way or time or the other, we might have done things we ought not to do. we might involved ourselves in things we shouldn’t have and thereby question ourselves, can GOD still forgive me? Many a time, we tend to term our sins so worst, and think the father GOD won’t forgive us, GOD is merciful; he said to Moses I will have mercy upon whom, I will have mercy on, and compassion upon whom I will have compassion on. GOD loves a heart that truly repents from his/her sins. Sin is sin, but the punishment differs, the bible said whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall reap. That is why this our GOD is a principled GOD. No matter your sins, GOD still welcomes you if you repent and stop doing it. The bible says mercy rejoiceth over judgment. You might have committed a lot of atrocities, his mercy can still speak for you. Let ...


NOT EVERYONE LOVES THE LORD DO you love GOD? Are you part of those who love the lord? Are your acts and behavior showing you love GOD? Can other people around you see that you love GOD? Are you sure you love him? Are you convinced you do love him? Is it necessary you love him? Must we love him? Are you showing you love him? Do you love him from your heart? Or you just love him by saying it with your mouth. These questions are for us to ponder on. Loving GOD goes beyond just saying it with our mouth, many confess they do love him, but it doesn’t come from their heart. We must love GOD from our heart and that from our heart should reflect outside. Brethren, lets see reasons to ,love GOD, he worth loving. He GOD himself is love, the bible said GOD is love; love is GOD. GOD first loved us, that is why he sent his only begotten son (JESUS) to the world to die for our sins. His son JESUS came as the second ADAM despite the failure of the first Adam, in the beginning. Beloved, GOD l...
SAYING NO, TO THE TRUTH Greetings to all in the name of GOD all over the world. How is our walk with the lord? Do we still know the way? Do we still know the truth? Do we still know the life? He said I am the way, the truth and the life. JESUS CHRIST is the way, he is the truth, and the life. No one cometh to the father (GOD) except by him. He is the way of salvation, that is why he was sent to redeem us with his blood, by dying on the cross of Calvary. If you don’t know the way, you will totally be lost. For you not to be lost, you must know the way, which is JESUS. For instance, in a normal human life; when you don’t know your way to a destination, you get stalked and waste time on the wrong way; but when you know the way to a destination, you don’t waste much time, before getting there. However, that is how it is, our destination as a Christian is Heaven; it is our home, that is why we must know the way, because he will come back...
LONGING TO BE WITH HIM Greetings to readers on this platform worldwide. Quite a while! This write-up is for all of us and is asking everyone of us a question. The question is, do you know what becomes of you tomorrow? Do you know what happens to you few minutes and seconds from now? Do you know your death day? Everyone knows his/ her birthday, but who knows his/her death day? No one knows. Are you sure of your salvation? Are you sure after living this world, you are reigning with Christ? Are you sure there is no spot on your garment? Are you sure you are without blame? Are you prepared for the roll shall be called? Are you prepared for the trumpet? Are you fit for the kingdom of GOD? Finally, are you longing to be with GOD? These questions are for us all, and should be answered in our hearts. The bible said, we shall not die but live to declare the glory of GOD. Yes, but one day everyone leaves this world, that verse is for us to live and be ful...


FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM Freedom is a state of being able to do what you want without anything stopping you. Galatians 5 vs 1 says: so Christ has made us free, now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get all tied up again in the chains of slavery to jewish laws and ceremonies. Christ’s death on the cross made us free, we are in bondage before, but Christ made us free. We are tied up in chains slavery to sins, but his death made us free. The bible said whosoever the son sets free, is free indeed. We have been set free, and we are free. Many misuse this freedom, many use this freedom to do the wrong things. Many still dwell in sins despite, this freedom. This freedom brings grace, love, purity and faithfulness. The bible said we can’t continue in sins and say grace to abound, GOD forbid. When you are in sin, your freedom becomes captivity again. That is why, you must flee from all appearances of sins. Paul said in Galatians 5 vs 13: For dear brothers, you ...