THE TEST AWAITS YOU Greetings to all In the name of our Lord. How has our work walk and work with GOD being? I write on the test awaits you. What test? Genesis 22 vs. 1-2: Later on, GOD tested Abraham’s faith and obedience. “Abraham” GOD called. Yes Lord? he replied. Take with you your only son yes, Isaac whom you love so much and go to the land of Moriah and sacrifice him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains, which I‘ll point out to you. Whoa! What a test, his faith and obedience was tested. GOD’s foolishness is wise than the wisdom of men. Await your test, because you will surely be tested. Abraham could have thought, I waited for years before conceiving Isaac, yet GOD asked him to offer him as sacrifice, he could have thought, how can I kill my only son? He could have thought Sarah will kill me, if she heard I offered her son as sacrifice, but yet he still obeyed ...
Ever learning and able to come to the knowledge of the truth!!!!