Greetings to all in the name of our GOD. How has been our walk with GOD? I pray will shall see GOD in Glory at the right time in JESUS name. The topic before us today is unshakable. To be unshakable is when something cannot be changed or destroyed. it also means to stand strong. Are you unshakable? Biblically in Hebrew 12 vs 27: by this he means that he will sift out everything without solid foundations so that only unshakable things will be left. That is GOD there, to be unshakable is to have a solid foundation. To be unshakable is to stand on a solid rock. A song said on CHRIST the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand ,all other ground is sinking sand. When you stand on the rock of ages, you are unshakable, nothing can move you. You will always wax stronger and stronger. The bible said: those that know their GOD shall be strong and they shall do exploit. Only the unshakable wax stronger and does exploit. The unshakable are not exploited they rather do exploit.
However, a parable talked about building a house upon a rock, when rain descended and flood came and the wind blew and beat upon that house, and it fell not; for it was founded upon a rock. In turn a house built upon a sand will fall when rain descends flood comes, and also wind blows it. That is just the analogy behind this topic unshakable. When a house is dig deep and the foundation is laid on the rock, no matter what comes to it, be it wind, flood it will remain unshakable. Many of us have our foundation on a sinking sand , the bible said if the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do? Your foundation determines where you end up your life. It determine what becomes of you. It determines if you will be sift by GOD, only those with a unshakable foundation will be left so said the bible. Are you on the solid rock? or maybe you don’t know the solid rock? He is the stone that was rejected and now becomes the cornerstone. He is the store that was rejected and now becomes the cornerstone. He is JESUS, when you give your life to him and believe in him; your foundation will be unshakable and happy is your end. Tomorrow might be too late for you, now is the time of salvation with GOD. If you are ready to accept him say these: Lord JESUS I acknowledge am a sinner, have mercy on me and forgive me all my sins. I accept you as my personal lord and saviour, I say bye- bye to sins. If you made those declaration you are now saved and your foundation will be on the solid rock now.
Finally, since we have a kingdom nothing can destroy, let us please GOD by serving him with thankful hearts and with holy fear and awe. For our GOD is a consuming fire. Hebrew 12 vs 29. It is well with our soul…………
Greetings to all in the name of our GOD. How has been our walk with GOD? I pray will shall see GOD in Glory at the right time in JESUS name. The topic before us today is unshakable. To be unshakable is when something cannot be changed or destroyed. it also means to stand strong. Are you unshakable? Biblically in Hebrew 12 vs 27: by this he means that he will sift out everything without solid foundations so that only unshakable things will be left. That is GOD there, to be unshakable is to have a solid foundation. To be unshakable is to stand on a solid rock. A song said on CHRIST the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand ,all other ground is sinking sand. When you stand on the rock of ages, you are unshakable, nothing can move you. You will always wax stronger and stronger. The bible said: those that know their GOD shall be strong and they shall do exploit. Only the unshakable wax stronger and does exploit. The unshakable are not exploited they rather do exploit.
However, a parable talked about building a house upon a rock, when rain descended and flood came and the wind blew and beat upon that house, and it fell not; for it was founded upon a rock. In turn a house built upon a sand will fall when rain descends flood comes, and also wind blows it. That is just the analogy behind this topic unshakable. When a house is dig deep and the foundation is laid on the rock, no matter what comes to it, be it wind, flood it will remain unshakable. Many of us have our foundation on a sinking sand , the bible said if the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do? Your foundation determines where you end up your life. It determine what becomes of you. It determines if you will be sift by GOD, only those with a unshakable foundation will be left so said the bible. Are you on the solid rock? or maybe you don’t know the solid rock? He is the stone that was rejected and now becomes the cornerstone. He is the store that was rejected and now becomes the cornerstone. He is JESUS, when you give your life to him and believe in him; your foundation will be unshakable and happy is your end. Tomorrow might be too late for you, now is the time of salvation with GOD. If you are ready to accept him say these: Lord JESUS I acknowledge am a sinner, have mercy on me and forgive me all my sins. I accept you as my personal lord and saviour, I say bye- bye to sins. If you made those declaration you are now saved and your foundation will be on the solid rock now.
Finally, since we have a kingdom nothing can destroy, let us please GOD by serving him with thankful hearts and with holy fear and awe. For our GOD is a consuming fire. Hebrew 12 vs 29. It is well with our soul…………
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