We are all human being and one way or time or the other, we might have done things we ought not to do. we might involved ourselves in things we shouldn’t have and thereby question ourselves, can GOD still forgive me? Many a time, we tend to term our sins so worst, and think the father GOD won’t forgive us, GOD is merciful; he said to Moses I will have mercy upon whom, I will have mercy on, and compassion upon whom I will have compassion on. GOD loves a heart that truly repents from his/her sins. Sin is sin, but the punishment differs, the bible said whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall reap. That is why this our GOD is a principled GOD. No matter your sins, GOD still welcomes you if you repent and stop doing it. The bible says mercy rejoiceth over judgment. You might have committed a lot of atrocities, his mercy can still speak for you. Let see an example in the bible, Apostle Paul as we all know him was formerly Saul, he was a persecutor of Christians, he scoffs at the name of Christ; he hunts down the Christians and ensure he harms them. He was an important tool in the hand of the devil then, but one day on his way to Damascus he encountered Christ. His punishment was that he remained blind for three days, could not eat nor drink; he was remorse and truly repented, that is why GOD showed him mercy and he became a useful tool back in the hands of GOD.
Just like that, someone that kills the children of GOD, even scoffs at the name of Christ. Yet GOD’s mercy still found him out. No matter your sins, his mercy his available to find you out, just as Paul. Paul was ignorant, while doing this, then he was in darkness; but while he realized all he has done and encountered Christ, he was brought to light. Whether you know or are ignorant committing or involved in a sin/ worst sin as you might call it, Christ still welcomes you, when you truly repent. Everlasting life is far better than everlasting destruction. JESUS is at the door of your life, you just need to open the door of your life to him, so he could sup with you and fix you back to his side. Paul said oh, how kind our lord was, for he showed me how to trust him and became full of the love of Christ. Christ loves you, his death on the cross should not be in vain. That is why there is joy in heaven, when a soul repent and comes back to Christ. How worst you might be, Christ still welcomes you. It is well with your souls…………..
We are all human being and one way or time or the other, we might have done things we ought not to do. we might involved ourselves in things we shouldn’t have and thereby question ourselves, can GOD still forgive me? Many a time, we tend to term our sins so worst, and think the father GOD won’t forgive us, GOD is merciful; he said to Moses I will have mercy upon whom, I will have mercy on, and compassion upon whom I will have compassion on. GOD loves a heart that truly repents from his/her sins. Sin is sin, but the punishment differs, the bible said whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall reap. That is why this our GOD is a principled GOD. No matter your sins, GOD still welcomes you if you repent and stop doing it. The bible says mercy rejoiceth over judgment. You might have committed a lot of atrocities, his mercy can still speak for you. Let see an example in the bible, Apostle Paul as we all know him was formerly Saul, he was a persecutor of Christians, he scoffs at the name of Christ; he hunts down the Christians and ensure he harms them. He was an important tool in the hand of the devil then, but one day on his way to Damascus he encountered Christ. His punishment was that he remained blind for three days, could not eat nor drink; he was remorse and truly repented, that is why GOD showed him mercy and he became a useful tool back in the hands of GOD.
Just like that, someone that kills the children of GOD, even scoffs at the name of Christ. Yet GOD’s mercy still found him out. No matter your sins, his mercy his available to find you out, just as Paul. Paul was ignorant, while doing this, then he was in darkness; but while he realized all he has done and encountered Christ, he was brought to light. Whether you know or are ignorant committing or involved in a sin/ worst sin as you might call it, Christ still welcomes you, when you truly repent. Everlasting life is far better than everlasting destruction. JESUS is at the door of your life, you just need to open the door of your life to him, so he could sup with you and fix you back to his side. Paul said oh, how kind our lord was, for he showed me how to trust him and became full of the love of Christ. Christ loves you, his death on the cross should not be in vain. That is why there is joy in heaven, when a soul repent and comes back to Christ. How worst you might be, Christ still welcomes you. It is well with your souls…………..
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