I believe you have started watching out of something’s
around you and within you. Let consider another thing today in this series of write-up.
Genesis 6 vs. 5: when the Lord GOD saw the extent of man’s wickedness and that
the trend and direction of men’s lives were only towards evil. He was sorry he
had made them. It broke his heart. Hmm!
Is GOD sorry he made you? Is his heart broke
he made you? We need to watch out. What are you trending to? What is the
direction of your lives? Is it evil or good? We need to watch out.
Furthermore, he said in vs. 7: I will blot
out from the face of the earth all mankind that I created Yes and animal too.
GOD’s mercy has just being sufficient in this present day world, those of old
didn’t do evil as the present world does, yet he is still merciful. The present
day world needs to watch out, so we won’t be consumed by the anger of the Lord.
Psalm 103 vs. 8: The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and plenteous
in mercy vs. 9: he will not always chide; neither will he keep his anger
forever vs. 10 says: he has not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us
according to our iniquity. Oh wonderful GOD! vs. 11 emphasized: For as the
heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy towards them that fear
him. What more do we need, we need to watch out. That he is slow to anger
doesn’t mean he can’t use his anger to consume the world, that he is plenteous
in mercy doesn’t mean, we should take him for granted. That he doesn’t chide
you now doesn’t mean he will not, later. If GOD should reward us, of our sins
and iniquity, who can stand? We need to watch out! His mercy is so great toward
them that watch out and fear him. Show me a man that watch out, and fear GOD
and I will tell you great his GOD’s mercy over him. When you fear him, you
won’t involve yourself in what he hates; you won’t go against his will. We need
to watch out, and not take GOD’s mercy for granted.
Africa watch out! North America watch out! South
America watch out! Asia watch out! Europe watch out! Oceania watch out ! It is
well with our soul…..
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