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                             WILL THY HIDE YOUR FACE?
   Greetings to all in the name of our GOD. I write again this touching write up titled “will thy hide your face “ It is a question for everyone on earth, believers and unbelievers. GOD is the creator of the earth, he made everything on earth. He dwelleth in heaven and maketh the earth its footstool. We all on earth are created by the creator to live, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. We are given dominion and authority over all in the earth, GOD loves us that despite the wickedness of this earth, his grace and mercy still prevails. He sent his only begotten son to die and pay the debt of our sins, we all owed. What a wonderful GOD and father; despite this immeasurable and boundless love, many still go against his will and commandments, many don’t even believe GOD created them, many don’t even know him. What a tragedy!
            However, in the beginning GOD created man (Adam) and gave him dominion and authority over all he created in the garden of Eden. He was asked to name all animals in the garden that is authority, but Adam broke the edge and was bitten by the serpent. He that breaketh the edge, the serpent shall bite. Genesis 3 vs 8: That evening they heard the sound of the lord GOD walking in the garden, and they hid themselves among the trees. Why? because they have sinned. They disobeyed  the creator by eating the forbidden fruit. God is omnipotent and omniscience. He knows all, once he gives out his will and law, it must be obeyed and not disobeyed. Everyone that goes contrary to his word, laws and commandment will surely hide their face from him . It is a disaster to hide your face from the creator. SIN the three letter words will cause men hide their faces from GOD. Our GOD can’t behold iniquity, Adam disobeyed and hid his face from GOD, he said I heard you coming and didn’t want you to see me naked, so I hid. Will  thy hide your face from GOD too?

The great day cometh, just as GOD came to the the  garden of Eden, the righteous will not hide from him, but the unrighteous will surely hide. Revelation 6 vs 15: The kings of the earth, world leaders. and rich men and high ranking military officers and all men great and small, slave and free hid themselves in the caves and rock of the mountain to crush them, fall on us they pleaded and hide us from the face of the one sitting on the throne, and from anger of the lamb. The great day cometh, who can stand? All men shall stand before the throne and give account of themselves. I will stand, you will stand, my father will stand, my mother will stand, nobody stands for me. Will I hide my face from GOD? We all have the time to amend our ways, before the GREAT day comes; tomorrow might be too late. Amend your ways now and accept CHRIST as your personal lord and savior, so you won’t hide your face that Day. This world is all vanity upon vanity. JESUS said it will be easier for a camel to pass through the needle than for a rich man to enter  the kingdom of GOD. If you are rich, humble yourself before the maker and acknowledge him, if you are poor do the same. It is well………  


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