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Showing posts from January, 2015


ARE YOU RUNNING YOUR RACE TO WIN? Greetings to us in the name of our mighty GOD. A race is a contest and competition between people, vehicles to see which runs faster. Every race has athletes competing and contesting, and in every race everyone involved runs; but only one person gets the prize. Just as many have watched the Olympics and other competitions involving race, only the first and fastest athlete to cross the finishing line wins, and is rewarded with a prize. However, that is the physical race; the race here is the heavenly race, Apostle Paul said in 1 Corithians 9 vs 24: In a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the first prize, so run your race to win. Yes he enjoined us to run our race and win, he himself had his race to run; likewise every one of us has this heavenly race to run. The heavenly race is not for people of the world, it is for those that hunger and taste for righteousness. To win the heavenly race, you must see things in the spirit, y...


TO THE MARRIED AND UNMARRIED 1 Corithians 7 vs 9 says but if you can’t control yourself, go ahead and marry. It is better to marry than burn with lust. I say a big yes to that; he that finds a wife findeth a good thing. To be married is to be joined together in holy matrimony; it is a life contract, once signed no going back; for better for worse, for richer for poorer till death do you part. It is a great thing to be married, it is a thing of joy and gladness. To the married you must please each other, the man should give his wife all that is her right as a married woman and likewise the wife should do the same for her husband. A woman has no longer full right to her own body, for her husband then has his right to it; also the husband no longer has full right to his body for it belongs to his wife. So do not refuse these right to each other. All these are written in the bible. It is biblical and so to the married you must do all these. However...


IS YOUR BODY GLORIFYING HIM? What a question is your body glorifying him? The him here is GOD and not man. Most people use their body to glorify man, which shouldn’t be; it should glorify GOD. 1 Corithians 6 vs 15 says Don’t you realize that your bodies are actually parts and members of Christ? Some do not know their body is the temple of GOD, and so it should glorify GOD and be pure. Many youth flirts about in sexual sins, what they shouldn’t involve themselves in. The bible said sexual sin is never right, our bodies were not made for that but for the lord; and the lord want to fill our bodies with himself. As a youth or the unmarried you are not involve in sexual sins; your body should be given to GOD, he made the body; so why not use it well and use it to glorify him {GOD}. Moreover, we ought to give our body to GOD; so we could be joined together with him and not give it to sins, because when you use your body for sins, it becomes joined and one to sin. The bible...


THE GOOD SHEPERD AND HIS SHEEPS A shepherd is a person whose job is to take care of sheep’s. He monitors and cater for the sheep’s; he ensures they are fed and drinks. There is a difference between a shepherd and a Good shepherd. A Good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep, an ordinary shepherd wouldn’t have done that. A Good shepherd is the gate for his sheep; those who comes in by way of the gate will be saved and will go out and find green pastures. An ordinary shepherd has no real concern about his sheep, but the Good shepherd does. A Good shepherd brings all his sheep’s in one fold; he loves his sheep’s truly. His sheep’s recognizes him; that Good shepherd is JESUS. He said I know my sheep and my sheep knows me. John 10 vs 2-3: The shepherd comes through the gate; the gate keeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep hear his voice and come to him, he calls his own sheep’s by name and leads them out. That is the relationship between the Good shepherd and his s...


DREAMS ARE NOT DELUSIONS This is a very fascinating topic, dreams are not delusions. Many do think dreams are just fictions, some see as a normal way of life. Many do not take their dream serious which shouldn’t be, some see dreams as delusions, some don’t even dream, why some forget what they dreamt about. Dream is a medium in which GOD communicates with us, he communicates to us through vision, trance and also consciences, but we are discussing about dream. Although, many a time what you are thinking about before you sleep, you might see it again; but majorly it does not continue like that. The bible said in Job 33 vs 15: In dreams, in vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men as they lie on their beds; he opens their ears in time like that and gives them wisdom and instruction. That is just a picture of dream, everyone has a dream land; but some’s has been tampered with by the devil. A dream land is an avenue for dreams; GOD gives instructions to us in the dream, ju...


FAITHFUL SERVANT To be faithful is staying with or supporting a particular person, organization or belief. It is also to be loyal, it also mean able to be trusted and relied on. Not all servants are faithful; while some are. A servant is a person who works for an organization, as a servant you must be obedient; and all servants have a master. They must do, what their master tells them to do. A faithful servant is one that does the will and wish of his master, he is always loyal and faithful to his master. He supports his master always and his master relies on him, he is trusted by his master. He works with the whole of his heart; he has no other intentions. However, Moses was a faithful servant in the bible; he was faithful in all his doing as a servant, that is how we should be. He carried out what is master {GOD}, asked and instructed him to do. His master GOD relied on him and chose him to carry out an assignment which is d...


THE ONLY TRUE FRIEND Everyone has a friend; some are good, kind, nice and helping. Some have one or more than two friends. A friend is one who you like and not a member of your family, he is a person that support and helps. He should have the same interest as yourself. A true friend is a real friend, which is different from just an ordinary friend. He is loyal and shows respect and support for a particular person. He does what an ordinary friend cannot do; he is loving and has a great and genuine passion for a particular being. An ordinary friend can let us down, he might promise you a thing and fail to give you. He is unpredictable, cannot be trusted; he can let you down at any point in time. However, a true friend cannot let you down, he will surely support you in all you do. He cannot fail you, anything he promises he does and gives you; he cares for you. Many see their friend as a true friend, but there is only one true friend in this world; he is not a m...


BABY CHRISTIAN A baby is a very young child, he behaves like a young child and is easily upset. A baby Christian is one that don’t grow spiritually; he does not follow the lord, he does his own desires and neglect the things of GOD. Are you one? A baby Christian will always exhibit the characteristics of a new born baby, a new born baby is being fed with milk and so is a baby Christian. A new born baby has little understanding, likewise a baby Christian; he has low understanding of the things of GOD.A new born baby cannot take solid food, because he can’t digest ; likewise a baby Christian he can’t take solid things i.e the word of GOD, he can’t read and digest. A new born baby is not so strong; likewise a baby Christian he is very weak in the things of GOD, he is so feeble. Those are the characteristics of a baby Christian, I repeat are you one? Also, a baby Christian is ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of truth; he is alwa...


BIG FOR NOTHING Everyone aims to become big in life’s goals; which is something good. Nobody will like to belittle himself or herself. It is one thing to be big; it is another thing to be fulfilled. It is a disaster, if you are big for nothing. What I meant by that is when you think you have been fulfilled, yet you have no bearing or directions; it is a disaster. Many fail in their journey of purpose, just because they are big for nothing. When a man has no direction and bearing, he will surely miss his way of purpose. Show me a man of purpose and I will tell you he has direction and bearing. Imagine this, you are thrown into a thick bush and asked to find your way out; without a device like a compass, gps and a map, such a fellow will miss ways several times. He will surely find it hard to find his way out of the thick bush. That is how it is, you can be big; but be nothing, also you can be nothing, but be big. A vessel is a massive structure built for voyage on wa...


ARE YOU A BOULDER OR AN OUTCROP? Greetings once again, to readers on this platform worldwide. This is a fascinating topic and those in my field of study can only understand the terms boulder and outcrop, those not in my field of study might not or might not have come across the words before. I will expatiate now what the words are, but the write up is questioning us who we are a boulder or an outcrop? A boulder is a large smooth mass of rock detached from its place of origin. We have agents of weathering that causes movement of the rock mass from its origin; like glacial, river and likes. We have glacial boulders and also river boulders, they are both carried by glacier and river to a place far distant from their origin. A boulder is exposed, because it has undergone weathering. Weathering is the disintegration of rocks, soil, minerals by agent such as water, ice, wind and so on. On the other hand, an outcrop is a visible large mass of bedrock on the surfac...


ACKNOWLEDGE GOD Why do we have to acknowledge GOD again? That is a question, that come most people’s way. GOD worth being acknowledged, because he is a sovereign GOD; he fainted not, neither is he weary, there is no searching of his understanding. The foolish plan of GOD is far wiser than the wisest plan of the wisest man, and GOD’s weakness which is Christ dying on the cross is far stronger than any man. To acknowledge is to admit and accept that something or somebody has a particular authority. It is also to express thanks for help you are being given. Most do not accept and admit that GOD sent his only begotten son JESUS, to die for our sins; for GOD so loved the world, that he sent his only begotten son [JESUS] that whosoever believes in him, will not perish; but have everlasting life. It is from GOD alone that you have your life, through Christ JESUS. If you don’t know, it mean you are not acknowledging GOD, which shouldn’t be. Also, to acknowledge i...


BE CONSIDERATE Greetings, to all readers on this platform worldwide; this write up is to ensure us to be considerate in all we do. Many are not considerate, some are, some think they shouldn’t; many see no reason to be. We must endeavor to be anywhere or any circumstances we find ourselves. To be considerate is always thinking of other people’s wishes and feelings; careful not to hurt or upset others. It is also to be polite. Many always think of themselves and please themselves; it is good to think of yourself and also please yourself with wishes and feelings, but bad not to always consider others. If you are after yourself always, you can’t be blessed bountifully. Show me a man that is considerate, and I will tell you he will bountifully be blessed. You can always be considerate to others by praying for them, remember them and mention their names while you pray; don’t pray only for yourself, be considerate. Also, you can be considerate by meeting people’s nee...


LITTLE SERVICE Just, a little service is needed by GOD from us; but many see it as not important and not necessary, which it is. This service is indispensable at a time like this, if you are so sure of your salvation; you must be involved in this little service; because I find out that many so called Christians are out of the way of salvation. Likewise, many soul don’t know the way, the truth and life yet, which is JESUS. He said, I am the way, the truth, and life, no one cometh to the father, except through him. Salvation is to be saved; it comes through faith, you must believe that Christ came to the world and died, and resurrected for our sins, just for us to be saved. It comes from trusting Christ, which is what must be preached. It is so easy to have salvation. Moreover, the little service essential for us to always render; is spreading the good news to the unsaved, we must see it as a responsibility to reach out to at least a soul daily; you must t...


FEARFULLY AND BEAUTIFULLY MADE This write up is for many who question GOD, why he created them like this? Many ask him questions and some wish they were not given birth to; every creature on earth is fearfully and wonderfully made. Most agree when friends or peer group tells them they are not beautiful or they are not handsome, as if they created you; as if they are your GOD. They are not your GOD, so nobody should conclude or decide how you look; because GOD formed and made you. Most feel rejected and dejected when they look into the mirror, saying to themselves: Am not handsome, Am not good, Am not beautiful, I don’t like my look, I don’t like my shape, I don’t like my complexion, I don’t like my body and likes, you don’t need all this. Furthermore, the Psalmist said “thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! It is amazing to think about your workmanship, it’s marvelous” instead of you to thank GOD, for creating you as you are, what if he has created you ...


FIRST ADAM AND SECOND ADAM This is just a different between two men; the two has different abilities, assignments, and agenda. The first Adam was formed by GOD while creating in the beginning” and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness” he had dominion over all God created and made in the garden of Eden. The second Adam existed before the creation in the beginning, he was the son of God, he was with God. He has always been alive and his himself God. He created everything and there is nothing that exist that he didn’t make. However the second Adam made the first Adam in the beginning; but the first Adam failed in his quest and assignment, he disobeyed and broke the relationship between him and GOD. He disobeyed by eating the forbidden fruit he was asked not to eat. When the first Adam sinned, sin entered the entire man race. His sin spread death throughout the entire world, so everything GOD made...


HOPING WHEN THERE IS NO HOPE Hoping is an act of expressing the feeling or wish that something desired will happen. Hope is the feeling that something desired can be had or will happen. Faith is involved in hope, hope is involved in faith; faith is the substance of things hoped for, the two goes together. When you hope, when all hope is lost people see you as someone who doesn’t know what he doing .You’re seen as a foolish being; that foolishness in the sight of people is faith in the sight of God. Without faith you can’t please God; to hope you have to stand on a faith. However, Abraham the father of faith and hope believed and hoped even when there was no reason for hooping and he became the father of many nations. Despite his old age his faith wasn’t old and shaken; he stood firm on his faith in God and he had a son at old age, and he became the father of many nations .His faith and hope in God did not leave him, he never doubted God even while Sarah did at first; his hope and faith...


PRAYING FOR OTHERS Greetings to all readers worldwide; praying for others is not something easy doing, but we must do. We must endeavor, we pray for others and not only ourselves. The bible said the prayers of the righteous availed much; when you pray for others you are also praying multiple blessings into your life. Love your neighbor as yourself, so says GOD’s law; but many find it difficult to pray for even their neighbors. When you neighbor is happy, you will be happy; when he is at peace, you will be at peace. That is why, we must pray for them. Also, Job was a sorrowful man having lose all his possessions and children, regained all when he prayed for his friends. Not everyone is an intercessor so we say, but we have to be one to intercede for others. Job prayed for his friends, despite his predicament and all he loosed were regained in many folds. That is how it works, you might be thinking I have my own issues; GOD has not answered me, praying...


EXPECT TEMPTATION Temptation, temptation , temptation. What a word, what is temptation? Have you being tempted? Were you able to overcome temptation? The questions above were asked because everyone on one instance or the other have being tempted; even myself have being tempted before. If you have not being tempted before, expect it; if you have once being in temptation, expect more. Temptation is the strong desire to do or have something that you know is bad or wrong. You know it is wrong, yet a desire comes to do it; that is temptation. It is an evil act. A portion of the lord’s prayer says “ lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil ”. If you have being tempted before, you will have the impression at first to do the thing, and then before you know it; you see yourself doing it. However, behind every temptation there is a tempter, the tempter is the devil. He moves to and fro looking for whom to devour and tempt. He is behind the pe...


FAITH, TRUST AND OBEY GOD is good to mankind, he is kind; despite man’s kind sinful deeds he still remains good to them. No one is good save our GOD. No one is kind save our GOD. His goodness and kindness to us is immeasurable, unfathomable; he has just being so good to us. He is a faithful and true GOD; even while we break his promise for us. We are all liars but he is not a man that lies, neither the son of man that repented of what he has said, has he said it, will he not do, has he spoken, will he not make good. His words are always right and true. Moreover, he sent his son JESUS to take away the punishment for our sins and unfaithfulness; his son obeyed his father and died, chastised, bruised just for GOD’s anger against us to be taken away. Shouldn’t we obey and trust such a fellow? “ Through his blood and our faith in him we are saved”. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not yet seen says the bible. GOD in h...


IS THE WORLD SPEAKING EVIL OF GOD, BECAUSE OF YOU? Ye are light of the world, let your light so shine before men, that they may see you good works and glorify your father which is in heaven. Quoting from the scriptures, in the world at large we the children of GOD are the light of the world. We must let our light so shine before them, our role model the light {JESUS} came to this world and lightened every man in the world; in him was life, and the life was the light of men; people saw the light and came to GOD to glorify him; likewise now people should see light in us and glorify the father in Heaven. I want to ask the following questions: Are you sure of the way to GOD? Can you point it out to even a blind man? Are you a light to the world? Do you truly know his laws? Can you teach others about GOD? If yes, then why don’t you teach yourself? Why do you indulge in things you tell others is against GOD’s will? Why do you still find comfort doing things that...


HIS PATIENCE IS NOT FOOLISHNESS I start this write up by saying GOD’s patience towards mankind is not foolishness, human beings does a lot of atrocities, involve in things GOD could have repented making them; but yet he keeps quiet. His quietness and patience is not foolishness. To be patience is the ability to stay calm and accept a delay or something annoying without complain. GOD is calm towards us, just for us to think and repent; his kindness is meant to lead us to repentance. He accepts delay and he still shows us kindness despite our sins, we annoy him a lot in fact daily; but he never complains. He not complaining doesn’t mean he is foolish. Furthermore, most of us don’t realize how patient he has being with us. We don’t see that he has been waiting all this while, without our nemesis catching up with us. We don’t care, most don’t even know he sent us his only begotten son {JESUS} to die for our sins and pay our debts; and this same son JESUS is the...


ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO encourage is to help someone to feel confident and be able to do something. It is also to advice someone to do something positive. It can also be likened to supporting someone on an activity. Discouragement is the opposite of encouragement, when one is discouraged he loses confident. David encouraged himself first in the lord, before encouraging his men; he instilled confidence into them and he and his men pursed, overtook, and recovered back all the Amalekites had stolen. When you encourage others, you help them regain their momentum and strength. However, Joshua in Deuteronomy 3 vs 28 was encouraged by Moses, GOD told Moses to encourage him and he was able to lead the Israelites to the promise land, encouraging others makes them do what they believe they can’t do. Joshua at first will be discouraged, imagining himself stepping into Moses’s shoe; but he was encouraged by Moses and did what was required...


ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO encourage is to help someone to feel confident and be able to do something. It is also to advice someone to do something positive. It can also be likened to supporting someone on an activity. Discouragement is the opposite of encouragement, when one is discouraged he loses confident. David encouraged himself first in the lord, before encouraging his men; he instilled confidence into them and he and his men pursed, overtook, and recovered back all the Amalekites had stolen. When you encourage others, you help them regain their momentum and strength. However, Joshua in Deuteronomy 3 vs 28 was encouraged by Moses, GOD told Moses to encourage him and he was able to lead the Israelites to the promise land, encouraging others makes them do what they believe they can’t do. Joshua at first will be discouraged, imagining himself stepping into Moses’s shoe; but he was encouraged by Moses and did what was required...


ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO encourage is to help someone to feel confident and be able to do something. It is also to advice someone to do something positive. It can also be likened to supporting someone on an activity. Discouragement is the opposite of encouragement, when one is discouraged he loses confident. David encouraged himself first in the lord, before encouraging his men; he instilled confidence into them and he and his men pursed, overtook, and recovered back all the Amalekites had stolen. When you encourage others, you help them regain their momentum and strength. However, Joshua in Deuteronomy 3 vs 28 was encouraged by Moses, GOD told Moses to encourage him and he was able to lead the Israelites to the promise land, encouraging others makes them do what they believe they can’t do. Joshua at first will be discouraged, imagining himself stepping into Moses’s shoe; but he was encouraged by Moses and did what ...


DON'T GIVE UP ON GOD “Weeping may last by night, but joy cometh in the morning” quoting from the psalmist. The psalmist {David} passed and faced a lot , he knew weeping may endure by night, but he was sure he had and served a GOD he could never give up on; and it paid off positively for him. GOD is able to do exceedingly abundantly, above all we could ever ask or think of, giving up on GOD is a disaster. If you don’t know, Paul was telling the people of Rome not to give up on GOD; when you give up on GOD, GOD will give you up to doing everything your mind could think of. Furthermore, when in any circumstances, adversity, challenges, your heart will be filled with a lot of thoughts especially, both evil and good. It depends on your faith to choose which to follow. The bible said “ hope in GOD is not ashamed ”, when you hope in GOD and never give up on him , you will not be ashamed; but when you don’t hope in GOD and give up on him you follow ...


DON’T JUDGE The bible said “judge not that you might not be judged”. Who are we to judge or condemn our fellow human beings. The most common thing among beings is judging one another; it is so bad for a person to judge or condemn his fellow human being. Paul was judged and condemn by the people on the island of malta. However, the people finalized with no doubt “he was a murderer, though he escaped the sea, justice will not permit him to live”, just because he was a prisoner that sailed with them doesn’t qualify him as a murderer. Not all prisoner are guilty, some were framed up just as paul; when paul was on the island he gathered an armful of sticks to lay fire, a poisonous snake driven out by the heat of the fire fastened itself to his hand, people exclaimed NO WONDER, ONCE A MURDERER! Moreover, the people expected him to suddenly fall or begin swelling and be dead, because of the venom of the poisonous ...


KEYS TO UNLOCKING THE NEW YEAR This new year as promised by GOD, is a year of fruitfulness ,flourishes ,perfection ,blessing and favor. To be FRUITFUL is to produce good results, to be productive and successful ; The bible said “be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion” this year we are to be productive in all areas of our life; we are to dominate everywhere we go; because this is the promise of GOD. To FLOURISH is to grow and develop successfully, the bible said “ the righteous flourish and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth, he shall have dominion” from being flourish and fruitful, we can bring out dominion. We are to dominate and rule this year. However, PERFECTION is to be complete; the bible said “ he will perfect all that concerns us “ this year GOD will surely complete all he has started in our lives. BLESSING is something good, it implies increase and multiplication. The blessing of GOD maketh rich and...


UNLOCKING THE NEW YEAR To unlock is to open a lock using a key. Without a key, you cannot unlock: you unlock with a key. This is a new year no one knows tomorrow, only the most high knows. He said in his word, “my ways are not your ways, neither are my thoughts yours, His thoughts are not our thoughts, as the heaven is far above the earth, so are his ways and thoughts far from ours. Moreover, in a new year good things are set to happen and so are bad things. The good things need to be unlocked for one to possess it; while the bad things need to be locked forever. To unlock the good things, a key is needed and to lock the bad things a key is also needed. The spirit of the lord said in Revelation 3 vs 7b “that he that is holy and true has the key of david, he openeth, and no man shutteth, and shutteth, and no man openeth”. This holy and true is the lord, there is none holy and true as him. Finally, to unlock the good things of this year; we ...