ARE YOU RUNNING YOUR RACE TO WIN? Greetings to us in the name of our mighty GOD. A race is a contest and competition between people, vehicles to see which runs faster. Every race has athletes competing and contesting, and in every race everyone involved runs; but only one person gets the prize. Just as many have watched the Olympics and other competitions involving race, only the first and fastest athlete to cross the finishing line wins, and is rewarded with a prize. However, that is the physical race; the race here is the heavenly race, Apostle Paul said in 1 Corithians 9 vs 24: In a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the first prize, so run your race to win. Yes he enjoined us to run our race and win, he himself had his race to run; likewise every one of us has this heavenly race to run. The heavenly race is not for people of the world, it is for those that hunger and taste for righteousness. To win the heavenly race, you must see things in the spirit, y...
Ever learning and able to come to the knowledge of the truth!!!!