Matthew 10 vs. 36 says “And a man’s foes shall be
they of his own household”. Peradventure you are surprised why a man’s foe are
those of his own household don’t be; they are enemies within. They monitor a
man’s progress, rejoice, celebrate, mourn and sorrow with a man. Enemies within
are green snake under the green grass; they are in all families. It is not
possible you are loved by all, it is normal to have friends and foes. Joseph’s
brother were his enemies within, he told them his dreams; but they were mad at
him; they ensured he was sold into slavery and waiting to see how his dreams
will come to past. These are the activities of enemies within, many have been
wasted by enemies within, I pray GOD delivers you from enemies within and around
you. Joseph was sold into slavery, faced and passed a lot until GOD arose and
fought for him. When you are under the captivity of enemies within you will be
frustrated and will be in hardship. You need to break yourselve from their
However, the Israelites had an enemy
within their land. His name was king Eglon; he ensured the Israelites paid
annual crushing taxes to him for the next eighteen years. Until the Israelites
cried to the Lord, He then sent them a savior called Ehud. Ehud was the man
chosen to carry Israel’s annual tax money to the Moabite capital. He strapped a
double edged dagger eighteen inches long and hid it in his clothing, when he
get to King Eglon, he plunged the dagger deep into his belly and King Eglon died.
Afterwards the land was at peace for the next eighty year. You are not at
peace, until your enemies within dies or repents from doing you harm. The bible
says “there is no wisdom nor counsel, nor understanding against GOD”. If you
are for GOD he will be for you. When a man’s way pleases GODD, he makes his
enemies be at peace with him. Also, if GOD be for us, who can be against us?
Enemies within cannot be against you, if you are for GOD. It is well with
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