John 2 vs. 2-6: And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only,
but also for the sins of the whole world. And hereby we do know that we know
HIM, if we keep His commandments. He that says, I know Him, and keeps not his
commandments is a liar; and the truth is not in him. But whoso keeps His word,
in him verily is the love of GOD perfected; hereby know we that we are in Him.
He that says he abides in Him ought himself also so to walk, even as He walked.
This write up WHO IS A CHRISTIAN? continues. A Christian does what GOD want
only. A Christian is a GOD pleaser and not men pleaser. A Christian loves GOD
more and more; because He does what the Father wants. The bible says the sure
way to know if truly you are a Christian is living as CHRIST did, loving GOD
more and more and doing what CHRIST tells us to do. CHRIST was the propitiation
for our sins. GOD his Father is love; His love was manifested towards mankind,
because He sent His only begotten son into the world that we might live through
HIM. 1 John 4 vs. 8-9: He that loves not
knows not GOD, for GOD is love. In this was manifested the love of GOD towards
us, because that GOD sent His only begotten son into the world, that we might
live through HIM. Vs. 11: Beloved, if GOD so loved us; we ought also to love
one another. A Christian ought to spread the good news to the unsaved. A Christian
ought to lay not up for himself treasure upon the earth where moth and rust
does corrupt and thieves break through and steals, but lay-up treasures in
heaven; where neither moth nor rust does corrupt and where thieves do not break
through nor steal. CHRIST said we are salt of the earth; but our salt shouldn’t
lost its savor; so as not to become good for nothing.
A Christian’s light should shine before all men, that they may see his
good works and glorify GOD in heaven. A Christian follows peace with all men
and holiness; because his goal is to see GOD. A Christian is a peacemaker and
he is called a child of GOD. A Christian walks in the spirit so as not to fulfill
the lust of the flesh. A Christian set affection on things above and not things
below. A Christian’s watchword is walking in righteousness and holiness. A Christian
is ever learning and he comes to the knowledge of the truth. A Christian seeks
first the kingdom of GOD and all other things are added unto him. A Christian
believes in the supremacy of GOD. A Christian fears GOD. A Christian studies, meditate
and observe what is in the bible. A Christian acknowledges GOD in all his ways
and lean not on his own understanding. A Christian is not filled or drunk with
wine, but he is filled with GOD’s Spirit. A Christian forgives easily, for GOD
his Father is faithful and just to forgive when he confesses his sins. A Christian
exhibits the fruit of the Spirit. A Christian find it easy helping others. A Christian
leads other to CHRIST. A Christian guards his heart with all diligence, because
he knows out of it comes the issues of life. A Christian studies to show
himself approved to GOD. A Christian shuns profane and vain babblings. A
Christian’s speech is always with grace and seasoned with salt. A Christian is
complete in CHRIST, which is the head of all principality and power. A Christian
does all in the name of the LORD JESUS, giving thanks to GOD and the Father by
him. The word of CHRIST dwells richly in all wisdom in a Christian. A Christian
is not corrupt. A Christian is not moved by the world; for he is not of the
world. A Christian loves righteousness and hates iniquity. A Christian’s life
preaches to his neighbors and people around. Are you a Christian? Let us
continue living a CHRIST-Like life in all our doings. It is well with us…
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