Greetings to all readers that read on this platform worldwide. It’s been a while, hope we are still standing in faith? And hope we still depend and trust GOD? These past weeks, I experienced a lot and was inspired to write something on it. Regimental is something relating to a regiment. It is overly strict and rigid. Regiment is word used to describe a unit of armed troops under the command of an officer. It is a rule or governance over a person, place. It is an influence or control exercised by someone or something. These past three weeks was a regimented life for me and others that participated in the orientation. Officers had rule over us, it’s a must we did what we were commanded to do. It is a rule we kept the surroundings clean. It is a rule we wake up when the bugle sounds. It is a must we muster out when they want us to. I could deduce Dedication, Discipline, Submission and Obedience. Everyone became dedicated to all rules and commands, because it was a regimented training.
However, discipline was the order of the day; the undisciplined had no option than to become disciplined. They were fined tuned into the disciplined. There was submission, people with ego became submissive; they brought down their ego. People had no choice than to obey the rules and commands, since they knew the implications of disobeying. These qualities made life regimented during the orientation program.
Romans 12 vs. 1-2 (AMP): I appeal to you therefore, brethren and beg of you in view of all the mercies of GOD, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies (presenting all your members and faculties) as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to GOD, which is your reasonable service and spiritual worship. GOD stands as the Officer. He expects us to make a decisive dedication to our bodies, He expects us to be a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable. He expects us to please HIM in whatever we do, which is a reasonable service. GOD expects us to be disciplined within and without; He expects us to conform to his will and commands, and not that of the world. Romans 12 vs.2 (NIV): Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what GOD’s will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will.
However, GOD expects us to be submissive to his rules and will. When one exalts the rules and will of the world, he is of the world and the love of the Father is not in him. GOD’s rules and will should be exalted by men and stood for anywhere one finds himself. James 4 vs. 6-7: But he giveth more grace, wherefore he saith, GOD resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to GOD, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Submission to GOD is important; when you submit to GOD you have power and authority to resist the devil. The bible said Obedience is better than sacrifice. It is better to obey and submit to the will of GOD and not men. My book still sells on Amazon, to get the paper edition or the e-book version of the book, click the icon of the book (ARE YOU A BOULDER OR AN OUTCROP?) at the upper right side of this blog homepage. It is well with us..…
Greetings to all readers that read on this platform worldwide. It’s been a while, hope we are still standing in faith? And hope we still depend and trust GOD? These past weeks, I experienced a lot and was inspired to write something on it. Regimental is something relating to a regiment. It is overly strict and rigid. Regiment is word used to describe a unit of armed troops under the command of an officer. It is a rule or governance over a person, place. It is an influence or control exercised by someone or something. These past three weeks was a regimented life for me and others that participated in the orientation. Officers had rule over us, it’s a must we did what we were commanded to do. It is a rule we kept the surroundings clean. It is a rule we wake up when the bugle sounds. It is a must we muster out when they want us to. I could deduce Dedication, Discipline, Submission and Obedience. Everyone became dedicated to all rules and commands, because it was a regimented training.
However, discipline was the order of the day; the undisciplined had no option than to become disciplined. They were fined tuned into the disciplined. There was submission, people with ego became submissive; they brought down their ego. People had no choice than to obey the rules and commands, since they knew the implications of disobeying. These qualities made life regimented during the orientation program.
Romans 12 vs. 1-2 (AMP): I appeal to you therefore, brethren and beg of you in view of all the mercies of GOD, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies (presenting all your members and faculties) as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to GOD, which is your reasonable service and spiritual worship. GOD stands as the Officer. He expects us to make a decisive dedication to our bodies, He expects us to be a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable. He expects us to please HIM in whatever we do, which is a reasonable service. GOD expects us to be disciplined within and without; He expects us to conform to his will and commands, and not that of the world. Romans 12 vs.2 (NIV): Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what GOD’s will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will.
However, GOD expects us to be submissive to his rules and will. When one exalts the rules and will of the world, he is of the world and the love of the Father is not in him. GOD’s rules and will should be exalted by men and stood for anywhere one finds himself. James 4 vs. 6-7: But he giveth more grace, wherefore he saith, GOD resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to GOD, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Submission to GOD is important; when you submit to GOD you have power and authority to resist the devil. The bible said Obedience is better than sacrifice. It is better to obey and submit to the will of GOD and not men. My book still sells on Amazon, to get the paper edition or the e-book version of the book, click the icon of the book (ARE YOU A BOULDER OR AN OUTCROP?) at the upper right side of this blog homepage. It is well with us..…
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