I start with 1
Corinthians 13 vs. 4: Charity suffers long, and is kind; charity envies not,
charity vaunts not itself, is not puffed up. Vs. 5: Does not behave itself
unseemly, seeks not her own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil. Then Vs.
7: Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all
things. GOD truly is love. No wonder he sent CHRIST. He that get easily
provoke has no patient, such cannot bear all things, such cannot endure all
things. JESUS did bear all our debts of sin and he endured the suffering on the
cross for us to be saved. Only a person that truly loves you will bear all
things and endure all things. It’s just like a mother that bears all things
during pregnancy and after pregnancy. The woman will go through a lot while in
the delivery room. I once visited a neighbor of mine that put to birth few
years back, and a woman was rushed into the clinic. Her reactions showed women
go through life and death while delivery. Most endure all these just because
they love their husbands and the child. They endure not sleeping until the baby
sleeps, they bear a lot. JESUS did the same for us.
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