The spirit of Persia is a spirit of delay. It is a
spirit of blockage. It is a spirit of almost there but not there. It is a
spirit that withholds answers to prayers. It is the spirit behind unanswered
request. It is the spirit behind cutting short of expectations. The bible says
in Proverbs 23 vs. 18: For surely there
is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off. The spirit of Persia
prevents a door from opening and ensures a door is closed. Many a time when we
pray, our prayers are answered; but a spirit called the spirit of Persia might
hinder its manifestation. Many prayers have been prayed for years and has been answered, but the effect of the answered
prayers are not forthcoming. That is the spirit of Persia. Many are talented dreaming,
seeing visions and have seen answered to their request, but it’s not
manifesting in their physical lives. That spirit of Persia is no respecter of
person, it must be dealt with for you to manifest. Romans 8 vs. 19: For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth
for the manifestation of the sons of GOD. How long shall we wait to
manifest? How long shall we keep believing GOD for something, when he has
answered already? How long shall we struggle when we don’t need to struggle?
This same spirit delayed Daniel’s request for twenty one days in which his
request had been heard in heaven and answered the very first day he began
praying and fasting. There is a difference between a day and twenty-one days.
There is a difference between a year and twenty one years. Many blessings,
miracles, manifestations, testimonies, breakthrough, promotion has been delayed
for years; yet they have prayed and GOD has answered yet the spirit of Persia
is delaying it.
Daniel 10 vs. 12-13: Then said he
unto me, fear not, Daniel; for from the first day that thou didst set thine
heart to understand and to chasten thyself before thy GOD, thy words were heard
and I am come for thy words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood
me one and twenty days; but lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help
me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia. Until
a help is render, that miracle might still be delayed. May the LORD help thee
and deliver thine answers to thee speedily. Grant thee according to thine own
heart and fulfill all thy counsel. (AMEN)! GOD is mightier than the evil spirit
called Persia. If Michael an Angel could help the angel held by the evil spirit
Persia breakthrough, then our GOD is far able to do and undo. Someone needs to
cry unto GOD, that all my delayed blessings, breakthrough, promotion,
manifestation, lifting, testimonies must come to manifestations. That all blockages
and hindrances to good things might be cleared by the Holy Ghost fire. You
don’t need to keep asking GOD on that issue he has longed answered you, but the
answers are been held by the spirit of Persia. You need to confront the spirit
of delay so your answers might manifest. Halleluyah. It is well with us….
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