I write on this topic to encourage souls that are
depressed, frustrated and suppressed. Many a time we pray to GOD awaiting
answers and he will be silent. I want you to know GOD’s foolishness is wiser
than the wisdom of man. GOD’s way are not that of man, neither are his thoughts
that of ours. His plan toward us is always of good and not of evil, to give us
an expected end. Everyone desires an outstanding, colorful and excellent
career, but many a time all seems not to go well. I noticed we find ourselves
in hard situations at times just for GOD‘s name to be glorified. He said I will
be glorified again. The Psalmist quipped though sorrow may last by night, but
joy cometh in the morning. No matter the state of circumstances you find
yourselves, just have it at the back of your mind, it is for the glory of GOD
and GOD will be glorified. Our GOD is a good GOD, he said cast all your cares
on me, I care. Who says GOD has forgotten you, he hasn’t; he knows what you are
presently facing; he will be glorified again at the end. The bible said wait on
the Lord, be of good courage and he will strengthen thee. Many in situations or
circumstances do not wait on GOD, many are discouraged when they face hard
circumstances, we shouldn’t be; only those that wait on GOD will he strengthen,
they will mount up with wings as eagle, they will walk and not faint, run and not be weary.
Furthermore, when you are in circumstances wait on the Lord, those that don’t
wait on GOD are always victims and losers. You see them running and fainting,
they will be frustrated. Let’s consider this analogy, two different cases here;
two university finalists sat for their final papers, with good and solid
preparations and with high expectations. When the final result was released,
the first carried a course over; he failed a course which automatically means
he is not graduating that year. When he saw the result he was depressed at
first, but he encouraged himself in the Lord and knew it’s just for GOD to be
glorified. The second checked his result and also carried a course over; he
also failed a course which automatically means he is not graduating that year.
The next thing he did was to commit suicide; he killed himself out of
ignorance. That is a bad thing to do when in difficult situation, killing
yourself is not the next thing, He was in a school of thought carrying a course
over meant career over. We shouldn’t be in that school of thought, rather we
should be in the school of thought carry over is not career over. The first man
sat for the course he failed the following year and now he is fully employed
and settled. GOD was glorified at the end because he buys into the thought
carry over is not career over. Beloved, no matter how hard your situation’ it
is for a short time; it will pass away; don’t give up, be encouraged in GOD and
wait on him. It is well with us……
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