Discouragement is
an act of being discouraged. To be discouraged is to extinct courage, it means
to be dishearten, and it means to be depressed in the spirit. When you are
discouraged, you will lose confidence. Discouragement is not meant for us as
children of GOD. We are to encourage ourselves in the lord, just like David did
when h lost everything after the battle. Job was discouraged, he was depressed,
he encouraged himself hoping in GOD. There are circumstances and there are
situations that you might think will overcome you, many a time we find
ourselves in situations we think will overcome us, it’s a capital NO! Have you come across what
David said in Psalms: Why art thou cast down oh my soul? Why art thou
disquieted in me? Hope thou in GOD; for I shall yet praise him, for the help of
his countenance. We are to hope in GOD, casting down your soul won’t bring the
solution, been discouraged won’t bring the solution either. You are to
encourage yourself in the Lord hoping and trusting him; because he is the
present help in time of needs. I once was discouraged and the circumstances was
gradually weighing me down, I was led to this verse Psalms 42 and I encouraged
myself saying a word of prayer with the words in Psalms 42; I had a happy
ending and was filled with joy at the end. GOD is our father, he knows all
things, his thoughts are not ours, neither are his ways ours; he has not forgotten
you; he still remains GOD no matter what you are passing through. That is why
brother and sister’s we have to encourage ourselves in the Lord so as to yet
praise him, no matter any situation or circumstance that comes our way.
no matter what you are facing, it has been faced by a lot of people in the
past, you either encourage yourself in GOD; hoping he helps you overcome or
discourage yourself and be weighed down by the circumstance which leads to you
being a loser. We are not losers, we are overcomes; because we are more than a
conqueror, only if we encourage ourselves in the LORD. Tell somebody today, in
any circumstances encourage yourself in the Lord! It is well with us……..
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