To be crucified is to be killed and punished by fastening one to a wooden cross. It also mean to be critized or punish somebody severely. Christ was crucified just for us all to be saved. He dropped all he could, just to come to the world in form of man to die for our sins. For GOD so loved the world, that he sent his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, will not perish, but have everlasting life. Some believed this, but many are still yet to believe. If you haven’t, you are not saved and everlasting death and punishment await such after death. It is better to believe in Christ now, than postpone it. Now is the time for you to believe, CHRIST came to the world to die for your sins; you just have to confess and forsake your sins and believe in CHRIST. Acceptance with GOD comes by believing Christ.
However, to be crucified with Christ is you been dead for worldliness, sins and works of the flesh. It mean you no longer live, but Christ lives in you. The bible says Christ in me, my hope of glory. Greater is he that is in me, than he that is in the world. Yes, that is being crucified with Christ. When you are crucified with Christ, your flesh no longer has final say; it does things of the spirit. When you are crucified with Christ, you have the hope of glory. The beautiful with eternal life is sure for you. You see GOD in glory on the last day.
Paul said in Galatians 2 vs 20: I have been crucified with Christ and I myself no longer live; but Christ lives in me. And the real life I now have within this body is a result of my trusting in the son of GOD. When you are crucified with Christ, you have real life. Many don’t have real life, they have unreal life. The scriptures says: what shall it profit a man, when he gains all the whole world, but gains eternal life. A real life is eternal life, an unreal life is the destructive life.
Furthermore, we all need to be crucified with Christ, so he can live in us, so we can see him in glory on the last day. so we walk not in the flesh, but in the spirit and not fufill the lust of the flesh. I want you declare and confess this:
I have been crucified with Christ
I myself no longer live
But Christ lives in me
Christ in me, my hope of Glory
OUR DAYS Greetings to all reading on this platform worldwide. I write on this topic OUR DAYS even as my twin sister and I are a year older today. Glory be to GOD for a new year and a new day. A song says great is thy faithfulness, Oh LORD my father, morning by morning new mercies we see, all we have needed his hands have provided, Great is thy faithfulness. Truly great is his faithfulness toward all men. Many are not convinced of these, many don’t see something special in GOD’s faithfulness towards them. David said “Then I lay down and slept in peace and woke up safely, for the LORD was watching over me. He GOD never sleeps nor slumber over us, we just find out we sleep and before you know it, you open your eye to a new day. This is the LORD’s doing and it should be marvelous in our sights. We are to see reasons to always appreciate and thank GOD for his goodness, mercies and faithfulness. That you are alive shows He is faithful. The gift of life which is the greatest of...
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