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NOT SWALLOWED BY DEATH Most people are afraid when they hear death, everyone will surely die one day; but it is a tragedy if you die without knowing Christ. Show me a man that dies without Christ and I will tell you, he will perish forever in the lake of fire; Show me a man that dies knowing Christ and I will tell you on the last day, when the trumpet is blasted he will resurrect and reign with Christ in glory, power, might, majesty and splendor. He will receive eternal life, so choose wisely. I once asked a question while teaching some set of children the word of GOD. The question is how many of you can put your hands in the fire lighted by a stove; no one was raising his/ her hands. I then told them, if you can’t dip your hands in the fire, then do the will of GOD and be sure of your salvation; because anyone not doing this will rot in a place called hell; where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. The fire from a stove is quenchable, when the oil lighting the stove dry it is quenched, but the fire from hell is not quenched. It is everlasting. They were sober and feared when they heard this. Likewise all people on earth; Heaven is real, hell is real. You either end up in Heaven or hell, those that end up in Heaven are not swallowed by death, because Christ came and gave us victory; he died and resurrected. Death is swallowed up in victory. O death where then is your victory? Where then is your sting? Death could not hold Christ down, he resurrected and put death to shame. Sin is a sting that causes death, Christ came to the world and paid for our sins, he bore all our sins and yet resurrected; his father (GOD) resurrected him. He wasn’t swallowed by death, he defeated death just for us to be saved and enjoy eternal life. That is why the dead in Christ resurrect and are transformed into heavenly being. If you are of GOD, you won’t be swallowed by death. Do not sin, it is possible when you allow the Holy spirit in you, he won’t allow you indulge in sins. The soul that sinneth shall die, and the wages of sin is Death! If you do not want death to swallow you, acknowledge you are a sinner, confess and forsake all sins, accept Christ as your personal Lord and savior and do his will. It is well with us……….


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