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DESIRE Desire is a strong wish to have or do something. It is just like temptation; temptation is the desire to do or have something you know is bad or wrong. The two goes together, we have a good / right desire and a wrong desire. A fellow could have a wish for a good thing; likewise a fellow could have a desire for a wrong thing. This write-up is to enjoin us desire to do the right things at the right time. 1 Corithians 10 vs 5: Yet after all this most of them did not obey GOD and he destroyed them in the wilderness; this is referring to the Israelite, by miracle GOD sent them food to eat and water to drink, where there is desert; he was with them as a mighty rock, he guided them in the wilderness by sending a cloud that moved along ahead of them; and he brought them all safely through the waters of the Red sea, yet. I repeat yet, after all this most of them did not obey GOD and he destroyed them in the wilderness. However, most of us in today’s world are like the Israelite; despite GOD’s love for us, despite his grace on us, despite sending his only begotten son to die for our sins, despite his provision and supplications, despite shielding and protecting us, yet we still do not obey him. We still desire after things not of GOD; may GOD in his mercy have mercy on us, so his anger and wrath won’t destroy us. The Israelite disobeyed GOD by desiring evil thing, they worshipped idol, they danced and worshipped a golden calf, some slept with other men’s wives, they murmured against GOD, so GOD sent his angel to destroy them. They desired all things evil, which are wrong desires and so GOD destroyed them. Most of us are like them today, we desire the things of the world, we harbor idol in our heart. An idol is not necessarily a graven or craved image; but anything you loved the most above GOD or anything you do the most; instead of doing GOD’s will is an idol. When you desire a thing not of GOD, you will have strong wish to have it; it becomes an idol. Many also murmur against GOD; the bible said don’t try the lord’s patience, though he is long suffering but he is a terrible mighty GOD. Don’t let GOD’s anger be kindled upon you, the scripture says it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of GOD. Therefore, we are to desire to do the right things at the right time; we are to desire to do GOD’s will, law and act. The ten commandment says thou shall have no other gods beside me, thou shall not bow down to any idol except me, thou shall not commit adultery. It is crystal clear beloved, unfortunately many still indulge in all these. There is a way out, the earlier the better confess and forsake all your sins, ask GOD for his holy spirit; because it will enable you desire the things of GOD. It allows you desire the things of GOD always. Desire to have the holy spirit and you will desire to do the right things. Stay blessed and share with others…….


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