To every obedience there is a blessing. Obedience is
the act of doing or willing to do what you have been asked to do by someone in authority.
It pays to be obedient. Obedience is just you paying a price for blessing,
peace, rest of mind, victory and transformation. Show me a man of obedience and
I will tell you his ways are always prosperous. All things works well for him,
because he is obedient. Many a times we find it difficult fully obeying GOD’s
commandment, his laws. GOD cannot be mocked, for whatever a man sows that he
shall reap. When a nation is obedient to GOD’s law, the nation is transformed
into the greatest nation in the world. The bible said righteousness exalted a
nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. A nation that practice righteousness
is exalted, blessed just because she is obedient. The bible said in Deu. 28 vs.
2-6: These are the blessings that will come upon you, blessings in the city,
blessings in the field, many children, ample crops, large flocks and herds, blessings
of fruit and bread, blessings when you come in and blessings when you go out.
the LORD will defeat your enemies before you, they will march out together
against you but scatter before you in seven direction. The LORD will bless you
with good crops and healthy cattle and prosper everything you do. He will
change you into a holy people dedicated to him: this he has promised to do if
you will only obey him and walk in his ways. All these blessings will be yours
provided you obey him. Nations of the world, you need to obey GOD; Men and
women needs to obey GOD’s law. It pays to obey GOD. It is well with all nations
of the world…….
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