Greetings to all worldwide reading on this platform,
been a while due to one activity or the other. Many a times we pray, but when
it is getting so long without answers to our prayers, we think otherwise. Many
pray but faint at the end, many pray believing GOD for a long time miracle, but
are surprised when GOD doesn’t answer. GOD does as it pleases him. He knows
better than we do. He knows everything and controls everything. His thoughts
are not ours, neither are his ways ours. You might be expecting answer to your
prayers quickly, but GOD might extend the answer just for him to be gloried. So
you have to keep praying. The bible says pray without ceasing, you have to keep
praying until your answers come. The bible said men ought to pray and not
faint. Many a time when our answer comes, it is surprising, it is wonderful to
us, because our GOD is a miracle working GOD and he is a perfect GOD. He does
thing at the right season and time for his name to be glorified again. Many don’t
understand why GOD does prolong answers to prayer, it might not be good for
you, when you truly need it, but will be the best for you, when He GOD finally
However, imagine a small boy requesting GOD for a brand new car, GOD
will answer, but not when he is still small; he will surely give answer at the
right time and right age, when he is capable to drive a car. He is the only wise
GOD. It is good to always challenge GOD to answer our prayers. Hannah has been
going to Shiloh all these years with Elkanah her husband, not until she was
provoked in her spirit a day and prayed. 1Samuel 11 vs. 10-11: she was in deep
anguish and was crying bitterly as she prayed to the LORD, and she made this
vow; O LORD of heaven, if you will look down upon my sorrow and answer my
prayer and give me a son, then I will give him back to you and he will be yours
for his entire lifetime, and his hair shall never be cut. Eli thought she was
drunk, she prayed and made a vow which was a different prayer since she has
been coming to Shiloh. To get unexpected answers, you need to challenge GOD.
Her vows challenged GOD and were a key to opening her womb, then after fulfilling
the vows; the bible said GOD gave her three sons and two daughters. O what a
wonderful GOD, what a miracle working GOD. Hannah has been written off that the
LORD had sealed her womb, Peninnah had taunted her, scoffed her because she was
barren, but behold the unexpected answers you must be righteous. The bible says
the prayer of the righteous man avails much. It is well with us….
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