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Showing posts from September, 2015


                                 WATCH OUT 3 Greetings to all in the name of GOD, as I continue this series of write up (watch out). It is so significant to think before doing something. Look before you leap. It is a very vital proverb, there are proverbs; but this is one of the essential one. If Cain had looked before he leaped, he would have obeyed and admitted his wrongs doing. If Cain knew the punishment he would face for killing his brother, am 60% sure he wouldn’t have. Many, don’t know the aftermath of their wrongs; they might not live to see the nemesis, but their generation yet to be born might, except GOD shows mercy. We all being are termed by GOD  as a wicked heart and desperate, who can know it. GOD repented he created man in the old testament, because of his wickedness. Let’s watch out, what are we occupying our heart with? A lot has wickedness all within them. It shouldn’t be, a...


                                    WATCH OUT 2 Everyone needs to watch out. Nobody is excluded; JESUS knew we need to watch out, that is why he said watch and pray, so you won’t fall into temptation. Temptation will surely come, whether you like it or not. Jesus himself was tempted while on earth, so who are we not to be tempted. Expect temptation, because they will surely come. We just need to watch out and pray so we don’t fall into them. By watching we need to take cognizance of all works of flesh, things that exalt itself against GOD in our life. And by praying we need to pray against the author of temptation, the tempter itself the devil. The bible says resist the devil and he shall flee. Jesus resisted him, get thee behind me devil, we need to do likewise to overcome temptation.            Furthermore, Cain didn’t know all these...


                          WATCH OUT Genesis 4 vs 6: Why are you angry? The lord asked him. Why is your face so dark with rage? This is GOD questioning Cain, this write up is titled Watch out. What should we watch out? Why should we watch out? These we shall know, vs. 7: It can be bright with joy if you will do what you should. But if you refuse to obey, watch out. Sin is waiting to attack you, longing to destroy you; but you can conquer it. Adam and Eve gave birth to Cain and the next child Abel. Abel became a shepherd, while Cain was a farmer. Cain brought the lord a gift of his farm produce and Abel brought the fatty cuts of meat from his best lambs and they offered it to the lord. Most of us today are like Cain, we just offer and give to GOD as we ought, to fulfill all righteousness. What we are offering is not coming from our hearts. We don’t give cheerfully, Cain offered gift from his farm produce to GOD, ...


               COMING OUT OF GREAT TRIBULATION Beloved, the end time is near. The Great tribulation draws near only those who are qualify will come out of it. JESUS said in this world we shall face tribulations, trials but we should be of good cheers, he has overcomed the world. He coming to this world and paying our debt of sin through his death and blood gave us the cheer that he has overcomed the world, death could not hold him, hell could not hold him. This tribulation is small compared to the great tribulation. The great tribulation is not to be experienced by man, but some will surely experience it. Obedience is better than sacrifice CHRIST came and paid with his own blood that is why anyone that confesses and acknowledge him, is redeemed and saved.       However, during the great tribulation those who will experience it, will pay with their own blood. They would suffer a lot and face terror, only the righteous...


GODLY SORROW The bible said he who the father loves he chastise, when you are chastised it because you are the son of the father (GOD). If ye endure chastening, GOD dealeth with you as with sons, for what son is he when the father chastiseneth not? When a child commits a wrong on earth, his earthly father punishes him because he loves him, not because he hates him. He punishing him is for him, to remember and next time not do the wrong. And so our heavenly father too; he sometimes allow us go through sorrow just to help us learn our lesson and turn away from sins and seek eternal life. We have Goldy sorrow and we have wordly sorrow. The Godly sorrow has the GOD factor in it, just for all to amend our ways, repent and seek eternal life. many have faced it before, many haven’t many will still face it. 2 Corinthians 7 vs 10 says: For GOD sometimes uses sorrow in our lives to help us turn away from sin and seek eternal life. We should never regret his sending it. But the sorrow of the ma...


ARE YOU A BOULDER OR AN OUTCROP? Greetings once again, to readers on this platform worldwide. This is a fascinating topic and those in my field of study can only understand the terms boulder and outcrop, those not in my field of study might not or might not have come across the words before. I will expatiate now what the words are, but the write up is questioning us who we are a boulder or an outcrop? A boulder is a large smooth mass of rock detached from its place of origin. We have agents of weathering that causes movement of the rock mass from its origin; like glacial, river and likes. We have glacial boulders and also river boulders, they are both carried by glacier and river to a place far distant from their origin. A boulder is exposed, because it has undergone weathering. Weathering is the disintegration of rocks, soil, minerals by agent such as water, ice, wind and so on. On the other hand, an outcrop is a visible large mass of bedrock on the surface of the earth. They do not...


                             WILL THY HIDE YOUR FACE?    Greetings to all in the name of our GOD. I write again this touching write up titled “will thy hide your face “ It is a question for everyone on earth, believers and unbelievers. GOD is the creator of the earth, he made everything on earth. He dwelleth in heaven and maketh the earth its footstool. We all on earth are created by the creator to live, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. We are given dominion and authority over all in the earth, GOD loves us that despite the wickedness of this earth, his grace and mercy still prevails. He sent his only begotten son to die and pay the debt of our sins, we all owed. What a wonderful GOD and father; despite this immeasurable and boundless love, many still go against his will and commandments, many don’t even believe GOD created them, many don’t even know him. What a tragedy!  ...


                              NEW HEAVEN, NEW EARTH Greetings, to all in the name of our GOD. I write this write up looking forward to GOD’s promise of new heaven and a new earth afterwards, where there will be only goodness. The present earth is not the new earth. This write up is a significant message  for all believers. I beseech us let us look forward to this new heaven and new earth; because it is the promise of GOD and we know he doesn’t break his promises, they abideth forever and never fades. We shouldn’t be like fools that argue when is Christ coming? Has he come? Where is he? He will never come. Don’t be surprised many still don’t believe there will be rapture, many still don’t believe Christ is coming back to take the qualified, those who await new heaven and new earth, those who does his will and acts.      However, we as believer shouldn’t forget the fact that GOD destroyed the...