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Showing posts from April, 2015


                                           SPIRITUAL FITNESS Spiritual fitness is just to be fit spiritual. It is not the physical fitness. It is a vital thing as children of GOD to exercise ourselves spiritually daily. The body exercise is all right, but spiritual exercise is much more important. The spiritual controls the physical, and so the spiritual exercise must be taken so serious. The bible said for we wrestle not, against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, rulers of darkness in high places. The flesh and blood is physical while the principalities and power, rulers of darkness in high places are in the spirit realm. They are not seen with a physical eye, they work in the spiritual realm. Paul said in 1 Timothy 4 vs 7: Don’t waste time arguing over foolish ideas and silly myths and legend, spend your time and energy on the exercise of keeping spirit...


                 WHAT IS CONSCIENCE? Greetings to all in the name of our heavenly father GOD. I write on this platform today on what conscience is? Everybody has a conscience, some might not know they do have a conscience. From the English meaning conscience is the part of you that judges how moral your own actions are and makes you feel guilty about bad things that you have done or things you feel responsible for. Everyone has a conscience, whether good or bad. we have a good conscience and we also have bad conscience. GOD speaks to us at times through conscience, the conscience bears witness. Maybe at a point in your life, you were at critical point of making a crucial decision, GOD could speak to you through conscience, that is when you hear positive things while negative  just as you are in between the devil and deep blue sea. So at that stage, the choice is yours to decide what to do whether positive or negative. 1 Timothy1 vs 19:...


                            HOW WORST YOU MIGHT BE, HE STILL WELCOMES YOU We are all human being and one way or time or the other, we might have done things we ought not to do. we might involved ourselves in things we shouldn’t have and thereby question ourselves, can GOD still forgive me? Many a time, we tend to term our sins so worst, and think the father GOD won’t forgive us, GOD is merciful; he said to Moses I will have mercy upon whom, I will have mercy on, and compassion upon whom I will have compassion on. GOD loves a heart that truly repents from his/her sins. Sin is sin, but the punishment differs, the bible said whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall reap. That is why this our GOD is a principled GOD. No matter your sins, GOD still welcomes you if you repent and stop doing it. The bible says mercy rejoiceth over judgment. You might have committed a lot of atrocities, his mercy can still speak for you. Let ...


NOT EVERYONE LOVES THE LORD DO you love GOD? Are you part of those who love the lord? Are your acts and behavior showing you love GOD? Can other people around you see that you love GOD? Are you sure you love him? Are you convinced you do love him? Is it necessary you love him? Must we love him? Are you showing you love him? Do you love him from your heart? Or you just love him by saying it with your mouth. These questions are for us to ponder on. Loving GOD goes beyond just saying it with our mouth, many confess they do love him, but it doesn’t come from their heart. We must love GOD from our heart and that from our heart should reflect outside. Brethren, lets see reasons to ,love GOD, he worth loving. He GOD himself is love, the bible said GOD is love; love is GOD. GOD first loved us, that is why he sent his only begotten son (JESUS) to the world to die for our sins. His son JESUS came as the second ADAM despite the failure of the first Adam, in the beginning. Beloved, GOD l...
SAYING NO, TO THE TRUTH Greetings to all in the name of GOD all over the world. How is our walk with the lord? Do we still know the way? Do we still know the truth? Do we still know the life? He said I am the way, the truth and the life. JESUS CHRIST is the way, he is the truth, and the life. No one cometh to the father (GOD) except by him. He is the way of salvation, that is why he was sent to redeem us with his blood, by dying on the cross of Calvary. If you don’t know the way, you will totally be lost. For you not to be lost, you must know the way, which is JESUS. For instance, in a normal human life; when you don’t know your way to a destination, you get stalked and waste time on the wrong way; but when you know the way to a destination, you don’t waste much time, before getting there. However, that is how it is, our destination as a Christian is Heaven; it is our home, that is why we must know the way, because he will come back...
LONGING TO BE WITH HIM Greetings to readers on this platform worldwide. Quite a while! This write-up is for all of us and is asking everyone of us a question. The question is, do you know what becomes of you tomorrow? Do you know what happens to you few minutes and seconds from now? Do you know your death day? Everyone knows his/ her birthday, but who knows his/her death day? No one knows. Are you sure of your salvation? Are you sure after living this world, you are reigning with Christ? Are you sure there is no spot on your garment? Are you sure you are without blame? Are you prepared for the roll shall be called? Are you prepared for the trumpet? Are you fit for the kingdom of GOD? Finally, are you longing to be with GOD? These questions are for us all, and should be answered in our hearts. The bible said, we shall not die but live to declare the glory of GOD. Yes, but one day everyone leaves this world, that verse is for us to live and be ful...