I start quoting Robert Green Ingersoll “Tolerance is giving every other human being every right that you claim for yourself ”. This is a virtue every man scarcely has nowadays. Men nowadays find it difficult to tolerate each other. In all religions, Christians are to exhibit tolerance the most; because CHRIST stated that it’s the second greatest commandment. Matthew 22 vs.38-39: This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. But the reverse is the case now, most Christians exhibit intolerance. They can’t tolerate their Christian brothers talk less of those outside their religion. This is awful and not so good. Hebrews 13 vs. 1-2: Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unaware. Abraham exhibited tolerance, he suddenly noticed three men coming toward him and ran to meet them and welcomed them. He gave them water to wash their feet’s, he gave them some pan cakes, he butchered on of his fat calf, and he gave them cheese, milk and roasted veal. That is kindness and tolerance. The men brought the word of the LORD saying Sarah will have a son and she did have the son. Genesis 21 vs. 1-2: And the LORD visited Sarah as He had said, and the LORD did to Sarah as He had spoken. For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age at the set time of which GOD had spoken to him. Rehab the harlot exhibited tolerance by tolerating the two spy Joshua sent to view the land Jericho. She hid them and told the King’s officer they were here earlier, but I knew not where they were. Joshua 2 vs. 6: But she had brought them up to the roof of the house; and hid them with the stalks of flax which she had laid in order upon the roof. That is tolerance; she didn’t know these men before they came to their land. Her kindness kept her and family alive when the Israelites possessed Jericho. He that loves his neighbor as himself will exhibit tolerance and kindness. GOD himself is love, he expect us to exhibit tolerance and kindness.
Moreover, the widow of Zarephath’s tolerance over her handful of meal in a barrel and a little oil in a cruse made her and her household eat many days ahead. 1 Kings 17 vs.15: And she went and did according to the saying of Elijah, and she and her house did eat many days. Tolerate others today and GOD will be pleased with you. It continues next week. Show kindness and tolerance by sharing this piece with others. GOD blesses you as you share. It is well with us
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