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Showing posts from May, 2016


BE STRONG! BE COURAGEOUS! This write up is for those who are weary, fainting and afraid. No matter the circumstance you need to be strong and courageous. Being strong is you having the strength to carry on, despite all you face or that comes your way. In this world trials await us, tribulations await us but, we were told to be of good cheers, that he CHRIST has overcome the world. That battle you are facing is not yours, you can’t fight and win alone, you need GOD. He saveth with no spear nor sword; he is a strong and mighty GOD. The Psalmist said who is this King of Glory? The Lord Strong and Mighty, the Lord Mighty in battle. To be strong, you need the Lord strong and mighty. The bible said no rock save our GOD. He is the rock of ages. No wonder his name is a strong tower, the righteous runneth into it and he is saved. He said I will fight for you and you will hold your peace. To the weary and  those fainting you need to wait on the Lord that he might renew their strength again...


WHY HAS THE LORD DONE THIS TO HIS LAND? This is a question people ask, when GOD in his anger and fury acts on a land. GOD is a merciful GOD; though he repented he created man, but yet still loves men. Despite men’s sins he still sent his only begotten son JESUS to come and die for the sins of men. He led the Israelites for forty years in the wilderness, yet their clothes didn’t become old, and their shoes didn’t worn out! He cared and catered for them. He fought for them and always destroys their enemies. He possessed lands for them. He prospered all they did; GOD did a lot for the Israelites; because he is a good, great and merciful GOD.          However, GOD made the children of Israel to stand and enter a contract with him. He made the covenant with them to confirm he is their GOD. And the contract is not with them alone, but to their future generations to come. He said the day that any of them man or woman, family or tribe of Israel begins to turn away fr...


                                    CHOOSE TO LIVE On this earth we are, we have a lot of choice; but it is always good to choose the right choice. Choice is an option, a decision, an opportunity to choose something. I have choice to do something whether good or bad; but the earlier I know choosing the right choice should be my choice, the better for me. To every right choice there is a result, to every wrong choice there is a result. Choosing the right choice brings strength, blessings, peace of mind, rest and life; while choosing the wrong choice brings despair, curses, and death. The choice is yours, to choose either right or wrong. GOD first choose us, but he also wants us to choose him. Choosing GOD is a gainful choice; you either choose GOD or the devil. The bible said you cannot serve two masters. It is better to be on the safer side. Choosing GOD is a right choice. When you choose GO...


                             BLESSINGS FOR OBEDIENCE To every obedience there is a blessing. Obedience is the act of doing or willing to do what you have been asked to do by someone in authority. It pays to be obedient. Obedience is just you paying a price for blessing, peace, rest of mind, victory and transformation. Show me a man of obedience and I will tell you his ways are always prosperous. All things works well for him, because he is obedient. Many a times we find it difficult fully obeying GOD’s commandment, his laws. GOD cannot be mocked, for whatever a man sows that he shall reap. When a nation is obedient to GOD’s law, the nation is transformed into the greatest nation in the world. The bible said righteousness exalted a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. A nation that practice righteousness is exalted, blessed just because she is obedient. The bible said in Deu. 28 vs. 2-6: These are the ...


                       DRINK FROM YOUR OWN WELL This write up is more of a proverb. Let he that has ears hear; lest he destroys himself. The bible said “For by means of a whorish woman, a man is brought to a piece of bread; and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life”. Many are married and still not faithful to their spouse. Part of GOD’s commandments include thou shall not commit adultery. But it is a common thing now all over the world. Some see it as a culture and tradition; it shouldn’t be. Samson is a good example, he was warned not to marry a foreigner, but he refused, he married a strange foreigner. Delilah brought a powerful and strong man to a piece of bread, and his life was hunted. The bible quipped: Can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned? It will surely be burnt. Men/ Women that indulge in infidelity are taking fire in their bosoms and their clothes are set to burn. The bible also co...


                    A MAN WITHOUT GOD Quite a while, but great to write on this platform again. A man without GOD! We have men that don’t know GOD and yet are successful; that’s a fact, but a success outside GOD doesn’t last long, it fades away in a jiffy. It is good to have success in GOD. GOD is the creator of everything on earth, all power belongs to him. He is Powerful, Great, Awesome, and Wonderful! He does great things; there is no searching of his understanding. His ways are not our ways, neither are our ways his. His thoughts are not that of men, He is the Ancient of days, All sufficient, ever presence, nothing is impossible for him. With men, it is impossible; but with GOD is it possible. Nothing is too hard for him to do; he is the GOD of all flesh. What a marvelous GOD, what a Great GOD. Men can only strive, but still need GOD’s support. He is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end. He is our present help in times o...