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Showing posts from October, 2015


                            THE TEST AWAITS YOU Greetings to all In the name of our Lord. How has our work walk and work with GOD being? I write on the test awaits you. What test? Genesis 22 vs. 1-2: Later on, GOD tested Abraham’s faith and obedience. “Abraham” GOD called. Yes Lord? he replied. Take with you your only son yes, Isaac whom you love so much and go to the land of Moriah and sacrifice him there as a burnt offering upon one of the mountains, which I‘ll point out to you. Whoa! What a test, his faith and obedience was tested. GOD’s foolishness is wise than the wisdom of men. Await your test, because you will surely be tested. Abraham could have thought, I waited for years before conceiving Isaac, yet GOD asked him to offer him as sacrifice, he could have thought, how can I kill my only son? He could have thought Sarah will kill me, if she heard I offered her son as sacrifice, but yet he still obeyed ...


                BEAUTIFUL FOR ALL SITUATIONS A song writer said for the GOD on the mountain is still GOD in the valley. When things go wrong, he will make them right; And the GOD of the good times, is still GOD in the bad times, the GOD of the day, is still GOD in the night. Those words are inspiring. Our GOD changes not, He is the same today, yesterday and forever, he is the ancient of days, yet never changes. The Psalmist said Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our GOD, in the mountain of his holiness; beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth. GOD is great, he is beautiful for all situations, when things go wrong, he is beautiful, when things go right, he is beautiful; when things are in good times, he is beautiful; when things are bad, he is beautiful, when your day is brighten, GOD is beautiful; when your day is darken, GOD is beautiful.          ...


                                  ARE YOU HOSPITABLE? To be hospitable is an act of being friendly and welcoming to guest and visitors. Are you hospitable? We ignore so many essential things which shouldn’t be ignored. Many family are inhospitable, they don’t like visitors; they dislike accommodating visitors. Are you in that category? Is your family in that category? Be hospitable. Be accommodating. Many families are accommodating, but not hospitable. They both must work together, when you are accommodating and not hospitable, it is as good as not accommodating. Many has ignored accommodating Angels in person of men, and don’t know. Show me an accommodating and hospitable man and family and I will tell you they will always be blessed. Some men are hospitable, but their wives are not. Some women are, but their husbands are not. It shouldn’t be, both husband and wife must learn and cultivate the habi...


                                ARE YOU A DOUBTER? To Doubt is a feeling of not being certain about something, especially about how good or true it is. Most believers of today are doubters; and as a believer you shouldn’t doubt GOD, rather you should believe GOD. God is not a man to doubt, he is not a man that should lie, nor son of man that repents of what he says, has he said it, will he not bring it to pass, has he spoken it, will he not make it good. People doubt GOD because, they don’t know what he is capable of doing. GOD is beautiful for all situations, whatever he says, he does, whatever he does, he said it. With man it is impossible, but with GOD, all things are possible. The Psalmist said O taste and see that the Lord is good. Just a taste of GOD in your situation is all you need. When you experience the greatness of GOD in your situation, your life will never remain the same again. He sa...


                                       BABY CHRISTIAN A baby is a very young child, he behaves like a young child and is easily upset. A baby Christian is one that don’t grow spiritually; he does not follow the lord, he does his own desires and neglect the things of GOD. Are you one? A baby Christian will always exhibit the characteristics of a new born baby, a new born baby is being fed with milk and so is a baby Christian. A new born baby has little understanding, likewise a baby Christian; he has low understanding of the things of GOD.A new born baby cannot take solid food, because he can’t digest ; likewise a baby Christian he can’t take solid things i.e the word of GOD, he can’t read and digest. A new born baby is not so strong; likewise a baby Christian he is very weak in the things of GOD, he is so feeble. Those are the characteristics of a baby Christian, I repeat are you one...


                                        NOT SWALLOWED BY DEATH Most people are afraid when they hear death, everyone will surely die one day; but it is a tragedy if you die without knowing Christ. Show me a man that dies without Christ and I will tell you, he will perish forever in the lake of fire; Show me a man that dies knowing Christ and I will tell you on the last day, when the trumpet is blasted he will resurrect and reign with Christ in glory, power, might, majesty and splendor. He will receive eternal life, so choose wisely. I once asked a question while teaching some set of children the word of GOD. The question is how many of you can put your hands in the fire lighted by a stove; no one was raising his/ her hands. I then told them, if you can’t dip your hands in the fire, then do the will of GOD and be sure of your salvation; because anyone not doing this will rot in a place c...


                                             WATCH OUT 5   But Noah was a pleasure to the lord. He was the only truly righteous man living on the earth at that time. He tried always to conduct his affairs according to GOD’s will, Genesis 6 vs 8,9,10. Watch out is you living a righteous life, watch out is you always conducting your affairs according to GOD’s will as Noah did. Noah watched out, he was in the world at that time, but wasn’t carried away with things of the world. He watched out on his life and pleased GOD. He was a pleaser of GOD, he feared GOD. Are you a pleaser of GOD? Do you fear GOD?   Many claim they want to fear GOD and conduct their affairs toward the will of GOD; but find it difficult and think it’s not easy to do such in this present wo...


                                  WATCH OUT 4 I believe you have started watching out of something’s around you and within you. Let consider another thing today in this series of write-up. Genesis 6 vs. 5: when the Lord GOD saw the extent of man’s wickedness and that the trend and direction of men’s lives were only towards evil. He was sorry he had made them. It broke his heart. Hmm!  Is GOD sorry he made you? Is his heart broke he made you? We need to watch out. What are you trending to? What is the direction of your lives? Is it evil or good? We need to watch out.      Furthermore, he said in vs. 7: I will blot out from the face of the earth all mankind that I created Yes and animal too. GOD’s mercy has just being sufficient in this present day world, those of old didn’t do evil as the present world does, yet he is still merciful. The present day world needs to w...