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Showing posts from November, 2016


THE WAITING PERIOD This write up is a critical stage in the life of a man. There is always a waiting period in the life of a man. A lot have experienced their waiting period; a lot haven’t experienced theirs; while many will still at one point or the other experience theirs. A waiting period is a time of staying or remaining in expectation. A waiting period is a time of many cry and sorrow. A waiting period is an odd time. A waiting period is a time of mockery. A waiting period is a disturbing time. A waiting period is a time of deep thinking and reasoning’s. A waiting period is a time of agony and pain. A waiting period is a period that seems all hope is lost. A waiting period is a time of trials and tribulations. A waiting period is a time of self-pity. A waiting period is a time of depression. A waiting period is a dark time. A waiting period is a lonely time. It is devastating and worrisome. A waiting period is a time of discouragement.       ...


UNEXPECTED ANSWERS Greetings to all worldwide reading on this platform, been a while due to one activity or the other. Many a times we pray, but when it is getting so long without answers to our prayers, we think otherwise. Many pray but faint at the end, many pray believing GOD for a long time miracle, but are surprised when GOD doesn’t answer. GOD does as it pleases him. He knows better than we do. He knows everything and controls everything. His thoughts are not ours, neither are his ways ours. You might be expecting answer to your prayers quickly, but GOD might extend the answer just for him to be gloried. So you have to keep praying. The bible says pray without ceasing, you have to keep praying until your answers come. The bible said men ought to pray and not faint. Many a time when our answer comes, it is surprising, it is wonderful to us, because our GOD is a miracle working GOD and he is a perfect GOD. He does thing at the right season and time for his name to be glorified ...