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  TOLERANCE 2 Tolerance is the ability to endure pain or hardship. It means endurance. CHRIST exhibited tolerance because he obeyed his Father GOD when sent to the world. GOD’s love toward mankind is unfathomable. He that loves will tolerate, he that doesn’t love will not tolerate.  Romans 5 vs. 8: But GOD commendeth his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners, CHRIST died for us.  We were tolerated despites our sins and iniquity, CHRIST died for us. We were tolerated despite our sins and iniquity, CHRIST died for us. If CHRIST could tolerate us then we ought to tolerate others. CHRIST endured a lot just for our sake.  Isaiah 53 vs. 5-7: But he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed.   All we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and he was afflic...
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  TOLERANCE I start quoting  Robert Green Ingersoll “Tolerance is giving every other human being every right that you claim for yourself ”.  This is a virtue every man scarcely has nowadays. Men nowadays find it difficult to tolerate each other. In all religions, Christians are to exhibit tolerance the most; because CHRIST stated that it’s the second greatest commandment.  Matthew 22 vs.38-39: This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.  But the reverse is the case now, most Christians exhibit intolerance. They can’t tolerate their Christian brothers talk less of those outside their religion. This is awful and not so good.  Hebrews 13 vs. 1-2: Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unaware.  Abraham exhibited tolerance, he suddenly noticed three men coming toward him and ran to meet them and welcomed them. He gav...


  FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM  Freedom is a state of being able to do what you want without anything stopping you. Galatians 5 vs 1 says: so Christ has made us free, now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get all tied up again in the chains of slavery to jewish laws and ceremonies . Christ’s death on the cross made us free, we are in bondage before, but Christ made us free. We are tied up in chains slavery to sins, but his death made us free. The bible said whosoever the son sets free, is free indeed. We have been set free, and we are free. Many misuse this freedom, many use this freedom to do the wrong things. Many still dwell in sins despite, this freedom. This freedom brings grace, love, purity and faithfulness. The bible said we can’t continue in sins and say grace to abound, GOD forbid. When you are in sin, your freedom becomes captivity again. That is why, you must flee from all appearances of sins.             Paul said in Galatians 5...


ONCE A FAITHFUL WIFE, AND NOW A PROSTITUTE! Compliments of the season from this side of the world to you all!!! Knowledge of the Truth is back and better this year. And I pray this year shall be a favorable one for us all. The word Faithful means reliable, worthy of trust, loyal and adhering firmly to a rule. It means consistency. It means fidelity. As a wife, it is expected you are reliable, worthy of trust, loyal and adhere to your husband’s rule and command. Ephesians 5 vs. 22: Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the LORD. The husband is in charge of his wife in the same way CHRIST is in charge of his body the Church. A submissive wife will be faithful without any conditions. She makes fidelity her watchword. A submissive wife obeys all her husband rule and command. A submissive wife is conscious of her wrongs. A submissive wife yields to authority (her husband’s). A submissive wife will always stand by her husband in thick and thin. A submissive wif...


I AM GRIEVED To be grieved means to feel very sad. It means to mourn and to sorrow.   Genesis 6 vs. 5-6: And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that He had made man on the earth and it grieved Him at His heart. The “I AM ”   is GOD. He is the I AM that I AM. He becomes grieved when men fill their hearts with imaginations, thoughts that are evil. He becomes grieved when men do wicked things. The wicked are GOD’s enemy, so He grieves at them. You are part of the wicked if you grief GOD by your work of unrighteousness. All sinners are wicked. Psalm 7 vs. 11: GOD judges the righteous, and GOD is angry with the wicked every day. Psalm 9 vs. 17: The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget GOD. Psalm 7 vs. 9:   Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just; for the righteous GOD trie...


WINNING THROUGH TESTIMONIES 2! An earthly father will be delighted and willing to do more for his son or daughter, when she/he shows gratitude. How will you feel when you give something tangible to a person and he didn’t show gratitude? You will feel unwilling to do more for such person. Our heavenly Father deserves to be shown gratitude for all He has done in our lives. Thank GOD for what He has done in the past, what He is doing presently and what He will do in the future. There is no little testimony; you just have to appreciate GOD for his faithfulness and marvelous deeds. Marvelous deeds like, the gift of life, which is the greatest of all blessings, good health and sound mind, sleeping and waking up. Many slept and never woke up, while many find it difficult to sleep. We have to see reasons to appreciate GOD; doing these will gladden Him to do more for us.              However, problems, trials, challenges might be in...


WINNING THROUGH TESTIMONIES Life as we all know is full of challenges, hardship, trials, battles, storms; but they are capable of being defeated through testimonies . Try and get a copy of my e-book “The Anomaly of life, 7 steps to be victorious in life” when it’s out for sale . Testimonies? Are you thinking or asking yourself how can I overcome my challenges through testimonies? Testimony is a witness, evidence and proof of some fact. The act of telling of the good and marvelous things GOD has done is referred to as testimony. Many a time we forget about what GOD has done in the past and that He is still more able and capable of doing more things for us. Have you told people of GOD’s might? Have you sung praises unto Him? Have you thanked Him for the little things you have access to that many don’t? Are you focusing on your problem and nagging instead of thanking Him? The last thing He did for you, do you thanked Him for that which He did? Many are just like the nine lepers out...